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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Learn from Mistakes

WHO Doesn’t make mistake ? Every one does. But the more serious problem is that many a man tends to make one mistake.into two or three.
• The first mistake is of course the making of the mistake itself,
• The second error is that. Instead of feeling of sorry about it, he make a exuse in order to escape responsibility.
• The third error is that he does not try to learn from the mistakes he has made.
• But the greatest error of all is to to let the mistake destroy your faith in yourself.

Many a young man. Because he has made a mistake and lost a good opportunity. Becomes deeply discouraged. The only sensible way is to study and analyse why you made the mistake. Learn All you can from it, let bygones and go ahead. Aim to do better nest time.

NO one can escape mistakes completely, but one can learn from them in order to tp try to make fewer mistakes in the future. You can learn from your old mistakes how to avoid making them twice and even hoow to turn every mistakes to good use.
It is wise to follow these old sayings: “He who stumbles twice on the same stone deserves to break his own neck” and turn your stumbing stones into stepping stones.

Of couse you have to feel sorry because you made a mistake, but it musn’t make you think pessimistically and assume that there is no hope and that a mistake means a fatal blow. This pessimistic mental attitude can create a sense of error in your mind and in turn it actually results in your making more errors than necessary. A phillopher oncve said : “get yourself right. Then things will go right.

The important thing is to keep studying and trying. Always believe that you can learn to do better. Constantly seek for self-improvement and never believe that you can arrive at perfection.

There is a right way and a wrong to do everthing. There is a right and a wrong way to sing and a right and a wrong way to bake a cake.
There is also a right and a wrong way to live.
Living is a science, based on definitive laws. If you do not co-operate with its laws. Life can go very badly. If you learn those laws and live within them, you life will be wonderfull.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Never Stop Learning

MANY A YOUNG MAN man who has completed his education that has learned all the lessons he needs, and that he has no need to increase or improve his knowledge. Such an opinion is a mistake . Perhaps such a person might say that he has finished his formal education to a certain extent. But If he thinks that he has come to the moment when he should stop learning altogether, then he has made a mistake he will regret afterwards.

The lessons you receive at school, that is through the method called formal education. Are only parts of the lessons you need for ypur life. In fact, the whole world you have finished school and start working or enter society, actually at the moment your real education.

This does not mean that the lessons you receive from your teacher at school are unimportant, but those lessons from only ypur basic capital, Like the progress of an industrialist, your progresss henceforth depends on your ability to make use that capital.

There are many problems which you have to solve in this world, and you can solve them only if you study all the things that have to do with those problems you only say that you never learned such things at school, then you will ge nowhere.

In society you can learn a lot from wahy you see, hear and read. With initiative and spirit for frogress, you can ask different people about various problem. This means studying. And ypu will-power in this case great determines your progress.

As you can see for yourself. Two men who graduate from the same school do not always make the same progress in society. The first may make only slow progress, while his friend proceed rapidly. Why ? Because the first, after graduation, immediately stops learning, while the second feels that he is about to begin the real education that life gives.
Never Stop Learning

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

English Learning Vidio-1

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008



Non Muslim foreigner arriving in Indonesia the night before lebaran will be surprised to hear monotonous sound of religious chant coming from the mosque all night long. If you Tell them “ Tommorow is Lebaran” they will just ask, “What’s Lebaran ?....

· You could tell them for convience, That’s like New’s year for Moslems. Its' not realy New Year ; that comes of first thay muharam, the first month . But that is never celebrated.
· Throughout the night before lebaran, children take turns to beat the bedug or drum in the mosques. The Fast is over, tomorrow is the big holidays! Housewives tidy jouse and prepare foodand sweets.
  • In the morning, everyones wakes early and men, women and children go to the mosque for the I’dul Fitri prayer :
    “ Allahu akbar, allahu akbar, laa ilaaha illallaah hualllahu akbar, allaahu akbar walillahil hamd.
    - Allah is Great. Allah is Great, thre is no God but Allah, Allah is Great and all praise is His.
  • After the prayer, everyone shakes hands and says” Minal a’idienal Faaidzien” Which means.”I hope that you have succeeded in this purificationof mind and soul”.
  • Everyone is happy and forgiving, and during the day everyone visits each other to eat and to ask forgiveness.
  • Even the poor seem happy – they will notin need of food for days.
  • This is because a body-tax made on every man, woman and child

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