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Sunday, December 14, 2008

What is Curiosity ?

CURIOSITY CAN be defined as “ an eager desire to know”. Or as “ the desire to see or learn something that is new or unknown:.Curiosity is one of the most useful qualities that man has and it has proved to be great help to mankind. Mothers know well this quality. For they often hear curious questions from their children, such as, “Where di I come from?”””why is the sky blue?” “ How can God see me if I’m hiding ?”” and the like.

Curiosity is an intellectual element that distinguishes man from animal. Monkeys limit their travel to a hundred square kilometers at the most, while man has explored the four corners of the earth. He even wants to know what life is like on other planets, a question that has been causing him to explore space.

It was curiosity that ied Isaac Newton to discover the law of gravity, and it was this quality also that stimulated Jules Verne to create his famous novels of science-fiction. You can think of many examples of his kind.

But you have to remember that what we he mentioned is curiosity in the best sense of the term. Like all other instincts and qualities. Its use can he wise or foolish or even harmfull. There are different kinds of curiosity, bad as well as good. That is why it has also been defined in a bad sense as “inquisitiveness” in a ba sense “inquisitive” means “ too eager to know about other people’s affairs that are not your own business:. It is because 0f his kind of curiosity that you often hear someone say: “ Mind your own business.”.

There is yet another kind of curiosity that needs to be guarded against, because if not properly controlled, it might become a weakness rather than anadvantage.

You had better not be curious about things that can do you harm. For instance, many youths have become alcoholic addicts simply because of curiosity about what it is like to be drunk. If drinking becomes a habit or an addiction, it is very difficult for you to get rid of it.

Truly, curiosity is one of the greatest gifts with which God has equipped our minds. But it has to be wisely controlled. You have to realize what kind of curiosity you have in mind. Is it a curiosity that leads you an understanding of certain knowledge that will be useful to you or for the benefit of mankind? Is it a curiosity dircted towards religious questions that will lead you to a realization of the greatness of God?

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