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Thursday, February 19, 2009

THE Art of Being a Parent

Pregnancy and birth are truly marvelous things. Human being will probably just what takes place during the nine months in mother’s womb. Think of it ! At the very beginning this creature that will influence your life is so small that it is smaller than the dot on this letter “i” . Three weeks later it has grown to about the size of the letter “t”.

At five months the unborn baby may stretch, head to foot. Another four months. And all three to five kilogrammes of him will let out a cry that will surprise you. As he seems to say ; “Here I am. Are you ready for me?”

Actually, these nine months have provided just enough time for the preparation of your mind, emotions and body for the welcoming of your new friend.

Remember, mother, what is taking place within you is a very marvelous yet natural process. Do not feel too strange about the changes in your body. But it will be worthwhile learning something about the marvelous development from an ovum to the delivery of the newborn baby.

A Visit to a library or a delivery consultation bureau will help you to find information about this process. It will give you proper insight and understanding, and enable you to get ready for the newcomer.

What name will you choose? Your child will be known by it for a very long time, so the choice of name should be given serious thought. Some parents choose name that have religious backgrounds, such as those taken from Holly Qoran or the Bible. Others select a name that has more of family connection. You may think of a name that has some personal meaning to yourselves. Some parents have even made up a very original name.
But do not give your child a name that will result in awkwardness or embarrassment as he grows older. The name RajasanagaraTuggadewa may have been all right for an aristocrat in the period of the ancient Javanese kingdom of Singhasari, but it would make a person a laughing-stock these days.

Then there is the matter of clothes and napkins or diapers. Of which you will need a lot. Also, will you have the baby delivered at home, in a hospital or in a maternity clinic? These are just a few of the many things you will have to ask yourselves and think over during these nine months. But there are other decision to be made, too.

One early decision is whether the baby will be breast-or bottle fed. It is true that bottle feeding is less bothersome. But even though cow’s milk may be adapted to meet the physical needs of the young one. There is a very important psychological need that a mother fulfills when she feeds her baby from the breast.

Also, no substitute can match perfectly the nourishment and protection that mother’s milk is naturally designed to give a baby. Breast milk has a constant temperature: it is germ-free: it is easily digested: it contains all vitamins, and, what is more important It contains certain substances that are very very necessary for the protection of the baby from infections.

Do got be surprised if you find that your life is not your own when the newcomer first arrives at home. Due to his special needs, you may find that your life is governed to a large extent by the desires and needs of the baby. However, gradually the little once kindness to realize that he has become a member of a household that does not belong only to himself.

Right from the your child to understand the need to obey. Obedience can be a real protection from all sorts of dangers.

There is also much training to be done in the home. Teaching a child to put away his toys, to put his dirty clothes in the right place and to dress and undress himself Can all be done before the child is three. It may take longer to train him to do these himself. But the time you spend teaching him will not be in vain will realize the benefit later.

It never too early in life to begin building in his mind and hearth belief in God. How happy you will be that he is learning to copy your example as he whispers” in The name of God Almighty, The Most benevolent…….” Before a meal and in thanks after it.

The first cry of the newcomer will bring you, it’s mother, proud joy. The baby’s first smile, Lifting its head to see what is going on, its funny, meaningless noises, trying to chew its own feet and following head movements are all occasions that will find that not a day goes by without some surprise at the little one’s development .One day you , its father, will peep into its little crib and get a bright smile, and you may feel sure that is a smile of recognition.

It brings great satisfaction to parents to see their child developing mentally and physically. One day you may notice him pretending to do what you are doing. You will often see your self in him. He will do lots of things that make you just want to kiss and hug him.

Yes, you will have a lot of joy and happiness in being a parent to a little newcomer…………..

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