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Tuesday, February 24, 2009


DREAMS are like magical shows that are for you alone to see. Sometimes your dreams are fearful.: perhaps you are flying in the air like a bird, and you feel wonderful. No matter if the dream is terrible or beautiful, it is almost always fantastic. Things happen that could never happen in your real life.

People have always wondered about dreams. Where do they come from? What do they mean? In ancient times, people believed that dreams came from the gods. People thought that Gods sent them dreams in order to tell them what they should do, or should not do.

Over that year, scientist and doctors have studied dreams, and they can tell us that dreams do not come from supernatural powers at all. Each of us creates his own dreams.

When you fall asleep. The part of your mind that works during the day (Which is called the conscious mind) gets a rest. At certain times during your sleep, another part of your mind – your subconscious mind – becomes active. It starts to create moving pictures that you “see” as you sleep. Moving pictures called dreams.

Sometimes the dream-picture is brought about by something that is happening to your body as you sleep. Suppose your leg slips out from under the blanket on a cold night, this might start you dreaming a “Cold” dream. Possibly you would dream that you are dipping your leg in cold water.

Scientist also say that most of our dream-pictures are brought about by things we have seen or done during the day. The mysterious thing is that often the dream-picture is not exactly the same as the experience that brought it about. Suppose you went swimming in a pool one day. That night, you might dream that you are at the pool again. Or the dream might change the poll into a river or a bathtub.

Many times the dream changes and disguises things so much that we do not realize it has any connection with real people or experience. But all our dreams do have something to do with our real life.

Why do we dream? Every one dream ; babies, children and adult of all ages. Because everyone dreams, there must be a good reason for it, just as there is a reason why we eat, sleep or breathe. It was easy to find the reason for eating. Sleeping and breathing, but it has not been easy to find the reason for dreaming. People have been looking for an answer for hundred of years. Even today no one is completely sure, but we have some good ideas.

One of the first good ideas came from psychologist who lived in Austria more than seventy years ago. Dr Sigmund Freud. Psychologist is interested in what makes people act the way they do. Often they help people who are very worried that they cannot live normal, happy lives. Dr. Freud felt that dreams might tell a lot about a person and that he could help his patients get better if he knew and could understand their dreams.

Freud thought all dreams were caused by wishes. As one simple example, he told of how on one occasion his little daughter was sick and was not allowed to have anything to eat all day. That night, someone heard the girl talking in her sleep, mentioning some of her favorite foods, and what would a hungry child wish for more?

As they grow up, most people try to hide some of their wishes, Dr. Freud said. That is because they are ashamed of the wishes, or even afraid of them, even though there is sometimes nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. But the person cannot forget these hidden wishes so they come out at night when he is sleeping. In the form of silly dreams.

Most psychologuists do not think that all dream are caused by secret, hidden wishes.
Some dreams, they say, may be caused by problem or worries that we do not want to think about. When we fall asleep, our subconscious mind tries to help us solve the problem in a dream. Scientist have discovered that if a person is kept from dreaming for several nights in a row. He will become very nervous, and may get upset very easily. They think that are worrying him.

In the last few years, dream experts have made discoveries that lead them to think that dreaming may also allow up to clear useless pieces of information out of our minds. We need to do thos, the scientist say so that can we can make room in our minds for new information and for new sensations we are receiving every day.

This new idea would explain why we often dream about things that happened long ago, Many adults can tell you that they have had dreams about people and places they knew when they were children. These memories were stored up in their subconscious minds for many years, and the dream brought them out of storage, perhaps to make room for newer memories.

Do you dream in colour? Everybody who sees colour, dreams in colour. But it usually does not seem significant enough for you to speak about it. You might speak of a colour when you dream of certain object: you are wearing a red dress, for instance, or you dream you are seeing your sister in her white nad blue school uniform and so on.

Do Blind people dream ? People who are blind from birth do not have dream-pictures as sighted people have. But They do dream. Their dreams are made up of sound, touch, smell and taste sensations they know in their waking life. Blind people who at some time been able to see will sometimes “see” images in their dreams.

Do Animals dream? It looks as if they do. Of course , no one has been able to find out exactly what they are dreaming about. But scientific test have given convincing indications that they probably dream too,

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The meaning of Dreams

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