Non Muslim foreigner arriving in Indonesia the night before lebaran will be surprised to hear monotonous sound of religious chant coming from the mosque all night long. If you Tell them “ Tommorow is Lebaran” they will just ask, “What’s Lebaran ?....
· You could tell them for convience, That’s like New’s year for Moslems. Its' not realy New Year ; that comes of first thay muharam, the first month . But that is never celebrated.
Non Muslim foreigner arriving in Indonesia the night before lebaran will be surprised to hear monotonous sound of religious chant coming from the mosque all night long. If you Tell them “ Tommorow is Lebaran” they will just ask, “What’s Lebaran ?....
· You could tell them for convience, That’s like New’s year for Moslems. Its' not realy New Year ; that comes of first thay muharam, the first month . But that is never celebrated.
· Throughout the night before lebaran, children take turns to beat the bedug or drum in the mosques. The Fast is over, tomorrow is the big holidays! Housewives tidy jouse and prepare foodand sweets.
- In the morning, everyones wakes early and men, women and children go to the mosque for the I’dul Fitri prayer :
“ Allahu akbar, allahu akbar, laa ilaaha illallaah hualllahu akbar, allaahu akbar walillahil hamd.
- Allah is Great. Allah is Great, thre is no God but Allah, Allah is Great and all praise is His. - After the prayer, everyone shakes hands and says” Minal a’idienal Faaidzien” Which means.”I hope that you have succeeded in this purificationof mind and soul”.
- Everyone is happy and forgiving, and during the day everyone visits each other to eat and to ask forgiveness.
- Even the poor seem happy – they will notin need of food for days.
- This is because a body-tax made on every man, woman and child