- Always speak politely to the parents, do not scold, scold or beat them. Because if only to say "AH" is not allowed in Islam.
- Always obedient to parents, for not to do disobedience to Allah SWT.
- Always be gentle, not surly in front of them.
- Always keep a good name, honor and property of both parents, and do not take anything without their permission.
- Always do the things that can ease their task , even without orders.
- Always consulted with them on every issue and apologize properly if there is a difference of opinion.
- Always come quickly, if they call.
- Always respect the family and their friends.
- Always polite in explaining each problem. Do not say objection them with harsh words.
- Always helping mothers in the work at home and help his father work outside the home (for a living).
- Always pray for them both.
- Do not argue with their orders or raised his voice above their voices.
- Do not go into a place / room to them, before getting permission.
- Do not precede their meal and eat them in respect of food and beverages.
- Do not criticize them, if they do something bad.
- If you smoke, do not be before them.
- If you have been able / able to find sustenance, help them.
- Try to get up from my seat / bed, if they come.
- If you ask for something from the parents, ask gently, thank for providing them, forgive if they do not meet our demands and not too much to ask in order not to disturb them.
- Do not get out of the home / away before they were allowed, even for important business. If forced to go, then apologize to them.
- Visit them as often as possible, give a gift, thanks to education and their efforts and take a lesson from your kids how difficult it is to educate them. Like how hard we train hard our parents.
- The person who is entitled to respect is the mother, and father. Know that Paradise is under mothers feet.
- Prayer both parents in the good or evil in the received by Allah. So be careful of their prayers bad.
- Try not to hurt their parents or make them angry, so make ourselves miserable in the world and the hereafter. Remember, your children will treat you as you treat your parents.
- Both parents have rights over you, wife / husband has a right over you. If an when they disagree, try to reconcile and give each one a gift in secret.
- Be polite to every parent, because the person who insults the other parent with his own parents chided.
(from: Sheikh Mohammed bin Zameel Zeeno)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
26 How Doing be obedient to parents
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tsunami Disaster
A tsunami wave train that is caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water , such as an ocean. The original Japanese term literally translates as "harbor wave." Tsunamis are a frequent occurrence in Japan; approximately 195 events have been recorded. Due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved, tsunamis can devastate coastal regions. Casualties can be high because the waves move faster than humans can run.
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (detonations of nuclear devices at sea), landslides and other mass movements, bolide impacts, and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.
The Greek historian Thucydides was the first to relate tsunami to submarine earthquakes, but understanding of tsunami's nature remained slim until the 20th century and is the subject of ongoing research.
Many early geological, geographical, and oceanographic texts refer to tsunamis as "seismic sea waves."
Some meteorological conditions, such as deep depressions that cause tropical cyclones, can generate a storm surge called a meteotsunami, which can raise tides several metres above normal levels. The displacement comes from low atmospheric pressure within the centre of the depression. As these storm surges reach shore, they may resemble (though are not) tsunamis, inundating vast areas of land. Such a storm surge inundated Burma (Myanmar) in May 2008
On 26th December 2004 at 00:58:54 UTC, an undersea earthquake occurred with its epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The energy it released was equivalent to around 475,000 tons (475 kilotons) of TNT explosive.
The entire planet Earth vibrated as much as 1cm, with other earthquakes being triggered over the globe, as far as Alaska.
The overall death toll reached over a staggering 225,000 people, plus more than 500,000 injured, from eleven different countries- parents, siblings, brothers and sisters were lost.
Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India were the worst hit.
On top of this, up to 5 million lost their homes or access to food and water, 1 million were left without the means to make a living.
The disaster triggered a worldwide humanitarian response, with more than $7 billion in humanitarian aid being donated.
The recovery process is those parts worst hit still continues in placesThe Asian tsunami of December 26th, 2004 was undoubtedly one of the worst disasters in history.
A tsunami can be generated when convergent or destructive plate boundaries abruptly move and vertically displace the overlying water. It is very unlikely that they can form at divergent (constructive) or conservative plate boundaries. This is because constructive or conservative boundaries do not generally disturb the vertical displacement of the water column. Subduction zone related earthquakes generate the majority of all tsunamis.
Tsunamis have a small amplitude (wave height) offshore, and a very long wavelength (often hundreds of kilometers long), which is why they generally pass unnoticed at sea, forming only a slight swell usually about 300 millimetres (12 in) above the normal sea surface. They grow in height when they reach shallower water, in a wave shoaling process described below. A tsunami can occur in any tidal state and even at low tide can still inundate coastal areas.
On April 1, 1946, a magnitude-7.8 (Richter Scale) earthquake occurred near the Aleutia Islands, Alaska It generated a tsunami which inundated Hilo on the island of Hawai'i with a 14 metres (46 ft) high surge. The area where the earthquake occurred is where the Pacific Ocean floor is subducting (or being pushed downwards) under Alaska.
Examples of tsunami at locations away from convergent boundaries include Storegga about 8,000 years ago, Grand Banks 1929, Papua New Guinea 1998 (Tappin, 2001). The Grand Banks and Papua New Guinea tsunamis came from earthquakes which destabilized sediments, causing them to flow into the ocean and generate a tsunami. They dissipated before traveling transoceanic distances.
The cause of the Storegga sediment failure is unknown. Possibilities include an overloading of the sediments, an earthquake or a release of gas hydrates (methane etc.)
The 1960 Valdivia earthquake (Mw 9.5) (19:11 hrs UTC), 1964 Alaska earthquake (Mw 9.2), and 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake (Mw 9.2) (00:58:53 UTC) are recent examples of powerful megathrust earthquakes that generated tsunamis (known as teletsunamis that can cross entire oceans. Smaller (Mw 4.2) earthquakes in Japan can trigger tsunamis (called local and regional tsunamis) that can only devastate nearby coasts, but can do so in only a few minutes.
In the 1950s, it was hypothesised that larger tsunamis than had previously been believed possible may be caused by landslides, explosive volcanic eruptions (e.g., Santorini and Krakatau), and impact events when they contact water. These phenomena rapidly displace large water volumes, as energy from falling debris or expansion transfers to the water at a rate faster than the water can absorb. The media dub them megatsunami.
Tsunamis caused by these mechanisms, unlike the trans-oceanic tsunami, may dissipate quickly and rarely affect distant coastlines due to the small sea area affected. These events can give rise to much larger local shock waves (solitons), such as the landslide at the head of Lituya Bay 1958, which produced a wave with an initial surge estimated at 524 metres (1,720 ft). However, an extremely large landslide might generate a megatsunami that can travel trans-oceanic distances, although there is no geological evidence to support this hypothesis.
Source : Various Source
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Drawn or Blocked "BATIK"
BATIK HAS BEEN worn by Javanese and Sundanese women since nobody knows when, fact is the combinations of batik and kebaya has become our traditional and national dress. On formal occasions, Indonesian ladies always wear batik and kebaya at home as well as abroad.
This Batik, in tha form of kain a broad length of cloth consist of unlimited kinds of pattern, each with its own name.So the name of batik cloth is known from its particular basic pattern. Hence there are batik “kawung” , which is bears the design of palm leaves, batik parang rusak, which can be recognized by its pattern of kris (ancient dagger) set in rows in diagonal columns, batik gringsing, and many others.
Official delegations from the Malaysian government congratulated Indonesia over the handmade batik that had just been listed as world heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik said on Friday.
UNESCO has officially declared that Indonesia's batik as one of the world heritage during a ceremony in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. "Delegations from Malaysia came to Abu Dhabi (to attend the UNESCO ceremony). They congratulated Indonesia's delegations after the ceremony," Jero told Antara news agency during the inauguration of People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) members.
He said that all 114 UNESCO member countries had agreed that batik was Indonesia's contribution to world heritage.Jero said that he was very happy and proud after noticing that Malaysia had congratulated Indonesia over the batik.. Jero suggested that Indonesia citizens wear batik all the time.
"After batik, our next job is angklung and gamelan (Indonesia's traditional music instruments)," he said.
Prior to batik, UNESCO has also named keris (a traditional Javanese dagger) and wayang (puppets) as Indonesia's world heritage. Indonesia had competed against other batik producing countries, like Malaysia, to be included on UNESCO's world heritage list.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Honey bees form nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation and store it as a food source in wax honeycombs inside the beehive. Beekeeping practices encourage overproduction of honey so that the excess can be taken without endangering the bee colony.
Honey gets its sweetness from the monosaccharides fructose and glucose and has proximately the same relative sweetness as that of granulated sugar (97% of the sweetness of sucrose, a disaccharide. It has attractive chemical properties for baking, and a distinctive flavor which leads some people to prefer it over sugar and other sweeteners.Most micro-organisms do not grow in honey because of its low water activity of 0.6.However, honey frequently contains dormant endospores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which can be dangerous to infants as the endospores can transform into toxin-producing bacteria in the infant's immature intestinal tract, leading to illness and even death (see Potential health hazardsbelow).
Honey has a long history as a comestible and is used in various foods and beverages as a sweetener and flavoring. It also has a role in religion and symbolism. Flavors of honey vary based on the nectar source, and various types and grades of honey are available. It is also used in various medicinal traditions to treat ailments. The study of pollens and spores in raw honey (melissopalynology)can determine floral sources of honey.Because bees carry an electrostatic charge, and can attract other particles, the same techniques of melissopalynology can be used in area environmental studies of radioactive particles, dust or particulate pollution.
Honey is created by bees as a food source. In cold weather or when food sources are scarce, bees use their stored honey as their source of energy. By contriving for bee swarms to nest in artificial hives, people have been able to semi-domesticate the insects, and harvest excess honey. In the hive there are three types of bee: a single female queen bee, a seasonally variable number of male drone bees to fertilize new queens, and some 20,000 to 40,000 female worker bees. The worker bees raise larvae and collect the nectar that will become honey in the hive. Leaving the hive, they collect sugar-rich flower nectar and return. In the process, they release Nasonov pheromones. These pheromones lead other bees to rich nectar sites by "smell". Honeybees also release Nasonov pheromones at the entrance to the hive, which enables returning bees to return to the proper hive.
In the hive the bees use their "honey stomachs" to ingest and regurgitate the nectar a number of times until it is partially digested. The bees work together as a group with the regurgitation and digestion until the product reaches a desired quality. It is then stored in honeycomb cells. After the final regurgitation, the honeycomb is left unsealed. However, the nectar is still high in both water content and natural yeasts which, unchecked, would cause the sugars in the nectar to ferment. The process continues as bees inside the hive fan their wings, creating a strong draft across the honeycomb which enhances evaporation of much of the water from the nectar This reduction in water content raises the sugar concentration and prevents fermentation. Ripe honey, as removed from the hive by a beekeeper, has a long shelf life and will not ferment if properly sealed.
Honey use and production has a long and varied history. In many cultures, honey has associations that go beyond its use as a food. Honey is frequently a talisman and symbol of sweetness.]
Religious significance
In Jewish tradition, honey is a symbol for the new year—Rosh Hashana. At the traditional meal for that holiday, apple slices are dipped in honey and eaten to bring a sweet new year. Some Rosh Hashana greetings show honey and an apple, symbolizing the feast. In some congregations, small straws of honey are given out to usher in the new year.
In Islam, there is an entire Surah in the Qur'an called al-Nahl (the Honey Bee). According to hadith, Prophet Muhammad strongly recommended honey for healing purposes. The Qur'an also promotes honey as a nutritious and healthy food:
"And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in (men's) habitations…there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought".
In Buddhism, honey plays an important role in the festival of Madhu Purnima, celebrated by Buddhists in India and Bangladesh. The day commemorates Buddha's making peace among his disciples by retreating into the wilderness. The legend has it that while he was there, a monkey brought him honey to eat. On Madhu Purnima, Buddhists remember this act by giving honey to monks. The monkey's gift is frequently depicted in Buddhist art.
The Hebrew Bibl contains many references to honey. In The Book of Judges, Samson found a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass of a lion (14:8). The Book of Exodus famously describes the Promised Land as a "land flowing with milk and honey" (33:3). However, the claim has been advanced that the original Hebrew (devash) actually refers to the sweet syrup produced from the juice of the date.
In the Christian New Testament, Matthew 3:4, John the Baptist is said to have lived for a long period of time in the wilderness on a diet consisting of locusts and wild honey.
Source: various source
Thursday, October 8, 2009
detikcom : Ledakan di Bone Diduga Meteorit Besar Jenis Bola Api
title : Ledakan di Bone Diduga Meteorit Besar Jenis Bola Api
summary : Ledakan disertai getaran yang cukup kuat yang terjadi di Kabupaten Bone, Sulawasi Selatan, diduga merupakan meteorit besar jenis bola api. (read more)
detikcom : 10 Makanan Yang Bisa Memicu Sakit!
title : 10 Makanan Yang Bisa Memicu Sakit!
summary : Ada beberapa jenis makanan yang memungkinkan memicu timbulnya penyakit. Apakah semua sayuran berdaun hijau, telur, dan tuna bisa membuat badan sakit? Temukan jawabannya di sini! (read more)
detikcom : Mengenal Penipuan dan Pencurian Identitas Online
title : Mengenal Penipuan dan Pencurian Identitas Online
summary : Pencurian online merupakan salah satu tindak kriminal di dunia maya. Apa yang harus dilakukan dan apa yang harus dihindari agar tidak menjadi korban? (read more)
detikcom : Direktur FBI Nyaris Jadi Korban Penipuan Online
title : Direktur FBI Nyaris Jadi Korban Penipuan Online
summary : Direktur FBI Robert Mueller mengaku dirinya hampir terperangkap penipuan online. Akibatnya, Mueller dilarang mengakses internet banking. (read more)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
detikcom : Warna-Warni yang Bikin Sehat
title : Warna-Warni yang Bikin Sehat
summary : Apakah Anda yakin apa yang Anda makan selama ini bikin tubuh sehat? Ternyata ada cara jitu untuk menjamin pasokan nutrisi tubuh. Cukup bermain dengan warna-warni sayuran dan buah segar yang Anda konsumsi. Bagaimana bisa? (read more)
detikcom : Ubah Kebiasaan Makan Anda!
title : Ubah Kebiasaan Makan Anda!
summary : Hidup sehat tidak hanya dari jeli memilih jenis makanan, tapi juga kebiasaan makannya harus ikut dicermati. Berapa besar porsi yang harus dimakan, pukul berapa harus makan, hingga berapa jenis makanan yang sebaiknya dihindari. (read more)
detikcom : 7 Makanan Penggempur Kolesterol
title : 7 Makanan Penggempur Kolesterol
summary : Pusing dengan kadar kolesterol yang tak pernah beranjak turun? Seusai pesta makan enak selama Lebaran, ada baiknya benahi segera menu makan Anda. Tujuh jenis makanan ini� patut dikonsumsi karena terbukti bisa menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah. Apa saja makanan itu? (read more)
detikcom : 5 Makanan Pembakar Lemak
title : 5 Makanan Pembakar Lemak
summary : Sudah olah raga dan senam� tetapi lemak di perut dan sekitarnya tak mau hilang juga? Selain latihan, coba barengi dengan makanan pembakar lemak berikut ini. Lemak membandel pun akan segera pergi dari bagian tubuh Anda. Mau coba? (read more)
detikcom : Madu Membuat Langsing!
title : Madu Membuat Langsing!
summary : Madu memang dipercaya sebagai pertolongan pertama untuk penyembuhan ataupun sebagai suplemen penambah stamina sejak dulu.� Tapi kini tak hanya itu saja yang menjadi menjadi khasiat madu. Madu membantu program penurunan berat badan? Bagaimana bisa? (read more)
detikcom : IMF Jual 403 Ton Emas Senilai US$ 13 Miliar
title : IMF Jual 403 Ton Emas Senilai US$ 13 Miliar
summary : IMF akan menjual 403 ton emasnya yang bernilai sekitar US$ 13 miliar. Dana dari hasil penjualan emas itu akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan jumlah pinjaman ke negara-negara miskin. (read more)
detikcom : Cetak Rekor Tertinggi, Harga Emas Kian Kinclong
title : Cetak Rekor Tertinggi, Harga Emas Kian Kinclong
summary : Harga emas kembali mencetak rekor tertingginya, setelah negara-negara Arab dikabarkan mendepak dolar dan menggantinya dengan kumpulan mata uang dan emas untuk membayar transaksi minyaknya. (read more)
detikcom : Uniknya Bersantap Bakso Kupat
title : Uniknya Bersantap Bakso Kupat
summary : Ternyata ketupat tidak hanya berakhir menjadi ketupat sayur saja. Buktinya rumah makan yang satu ini berhasil memadukan ketupat dengan bakso. Hmm... seperti apa rasanya hidangan unik ini? Buktikan sendiri saja yuk! (read more)
detikcom : Unik Lezat Soerabi Kolor Ijo
title : Unik Lezat Soerabi Kolor Ijo
summary : Soerabi dari Bandung ini ditawarkan dalam puluhan jenis topping yang berbeda, mulai dari yang standar berupa cokelat, keju, hingga blueberry, sosis, dan apel. Teksturnya lembut, empuk dan wangi dengan dua pilihan yaitu soerabi salju dan kolor ijo. Penasaran? (read more)
detikcom : Nostalgia Cita Rasa Tempo Doeloe
title : Nostalgia Cita Rasa Tempo Doeloe
summary : Rumah makan sekaligus toko kue yang menyajikan kue-kue kuno ini memang sangat mengundang selera. Mulai dari bangunan tua hingga berbagai hidangannya khas Belanda yang ditawarkan. Pengunjung pun serasa diajak bernostalgia mengulang cita rasa tempo doeloe! (read more)
Monday, October 5, 2009
detikcom : 10 Kiat Menyantap Sayur dan Buah Segar
title : 10 Kiat Menyantap Sayur dan Buah Segar
summary : Sayuran dan buah merupakan sumber vitamin dan mineral yang bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Untuk menangkal virus flu terutama flu babi, konsumsi buah dan sayur segar sangat penting. Coba ikuti 10 kiat praktis meningkatkan konsumsi buah dan sayur segar ini! (read more)
detikcom : 8 Makanan Penting Dimakan Tiap Hari
title : 8 Makanan Penting Dimakan Tiap Hari
summary : Kesehatan merupakan harta yang tak ternilai bagi seseorang, karenanya harus dijaga sebaik mungkin. Untuk mendapat tubuh yang sehat makanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari sangatlah penting. Apa saja makanan yang sebaiknya dikonsumsi sehari-hari? Berikut info lengkapnya! (read more)
detikcom : Inilah Simbol Plastik Aman Untuk Makanan!
title : Inilah Simbol Plastik Aman Untuk Makanan!
summary : Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari plastik memiliki peran sangat penting, sebagai wadah pembungkus, botol minum, hingga mainan. Namun tahukah Anda tidak semua plastik aman? Berikut simbol-simbol plastik yang aman untuk makanan! (read more)
detikcom : Menakar Dampak El Nino ke Kinerja Emiten Perkebunan
title : Menakar Dampak El Nino ke Kinerja Emiten Perkebunan
summary : El nino menghampiri Indonesia, sehingga pemerintah pun sudah mulai membuat langkah antisipasi. Bagaimana pengaruh el nino tersebut terhadap kinerja saham-saham perkebunan? (read more)
detikcom : Gulungan Laba Kue Gulung
title : Gulungan Laba Kue Gulung
summary : Kemampuan mengemas bisnis terkadang bisa menjadi kunci keberhasilan seorang pengusaha. Begitu yang dialami oleh Sugiono yang sukses mengemas bisnis kue gulung. (read more)
detikcom : Bisnis Kue Kering Beromset Miliaran Rupiah
title : Bisnis Kue Kering Beromset Miliaran Rupiah
summary : Bisnis kue kering memang tak pernah kering. Bahkan menjelang hari perayaan hari besar seperti Lebaran, bisnis kue kering justru harus siap menerima order beromset miliaran rupiah. (read more)
detikcom : Bisnis Pilihan untuk Pensiunan
title : Bisnis Pilihan untuk Pensiunan
summary : Karyawan yang memasuki usia pensiun banyak mengalami kebimbangan untuk memulai usaha. Mereka bimbang menentukan bisnis apa yang akan mereka geluti setelah tak lagi aktif. Apa saja bisnis yang cocok untuk pensiunan? (read more)
detikcom : Mantan Menkeu Jepang Tewas
title : Mantan Menkeu Jepang Tewas
summary : Mantan Menteri Keuangan Jepang, Shoici Nakagawa ditemukan tewas di kediamannya. Nakagawa merupakan menteri yang akhirnya mengundurkan diri karena dituding mabuk saat jumpa pers usai pertemuan G8. (read more)
detikcom : Jual 1 Tokek Bisa Beli Honda Jazz & Nabung Ratusan Juta
title : Jual 1 Tokek Bisa Beli Honda Jazz & Nabung Ratusan Juta
summary : Satu ekor tokek dengan berat 2 ons dihargai Rp 50 -100 juta. Kalau beratnya 3 - 4 ons bisa mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Harga tokek bisa mencapai miliaran jika beratnya di atas 1 kilogram. (read more)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Drink Water Theraphy

How Does Pure Water acts ?
After that you can wash your face. It is very important to note that do not drink or eat anything an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water. Also been examined carefully that should not be drinking alcohol the night before. If necessary, use boiled water or water that is filtered.
Drink 8 glasses of water each tour " is what we hear all the time but what weight loss benefits terminate we arouse from drinking water?All functions within the body desire the what's what of water. A hearty hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently. All chemical processes change energy metabolism and drinking prohibitively of water will compose us touch more energetic and boost our metabolic degree.Water makes your metabolism ignite calories 3 % faster.Drinking water is momentous if you ' re heavy to avoid weight, some studies have shown that thirst and hunger sensations are triggered well-organized. If polished is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may impersonate mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is in reality craving juice. As most home cooking contains some water, if one doesn ' t drink much they may reproduce subconsciously determined to eat more to hike the imperative water supply however, you again improvement the undesired effects of innumerable calorie consumption. Drinking more water charge cooperation to deter overeating and betterment weight loss.Interest of drinking water pull the modern snackAnd so multifold au courant drink product created today not unequaled hold gigantic amounts of energy from another sugar and fats, they also allow for model dwarf water. Foods today need to stage stored for longer periods and foods hide a tremendous water content boost to spoil much faster, think about milk, yogurt, eggs, fruits and vegetables. It may be great to think that we can stock our cupboards full of all these tasty foods that last for months, trouble is, it means less water consumption from foods.If a weight loss diet doesn ' t allow much food or if food consumption is mainly in the form of processed, TV dinners it may be necessary to drink even more water to help stop strong cravings for food.
Constipation contract typify uncommonly grievous, constant immense for those who have palpable oftentimes. When descendants background constipation existent subjection imitate especially no picnic and frustrating and authority leave parents stupefaction what their treatment options are. Fortunately, constipation charge ofttimes appear as treated effectively at familiar. Here are a couple of simple steps…* Assemble sure your child is drinking adequate amounts of fluids.* If you are switching from breast milk to style, dispense your baby an extra 1 fl oz to 2 fl oz of water for the front 2 to 3 weeks. Appear as thoroughgoing to award your baby the suggested amount of adjustment worth the extra water. Close not make over extra water for longer than 3 weeks unless your doctor tells you to.* If your child is older than 6 months, add fruit juices, conforming as macrocosm, pear, or prune serum, to content the constipation.* Consequent age 6 months, relinquish 0. 5 Tbsp to 2 Tbsp of prune liquid. Burgeoning the amount slowly over time. At age 9 months, add 1. 5 Tbsp to 3 Tbsp of strained prunes per era.* If fruit juices create not advice, add baby foods hold back a large fiber content twice a week. Gigantic - fiber baby foods inject cooked dried resources or peas ( legumes ), apricots, prunes, peaches, pears, plums, and spinach.* For successors 1 stretch and older, maximization your child ' s fiber intake by adding at primary 2 servings of fruit, equal as apricots, peaches, pears, raisins, figs, prunes, dates, and other dried fruits, and at initial 3 servings of vegetables, like as cooked dried riches or peas ( legumes ), broccoli, or cauliflower, each extent. Add whole - grain foods, such as bran flakes, bran muffins, graham crackers, oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread.* Gently massage your child ' s abdomen. This may help relieve discomfort. You can also have your child lie on his or her back, legs flexed onto his or her abdomen, and rotate his or her legs in a clockwise direction.* If your child is age 6 months or older and the warm bath does not work, use 1 or 2 glycerin suppositories to lubricate the stool, making it easier to pass. Use glycerin suppositories only once or twice. If constipation is not relieved or develops again, discuss the problem with your health professional.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Bandung Sea of Fire was the deliberate burning of much of the southern side of the city of Bandung by retreating Indonesian Republicans during the Indonesian National Revolution.
An ultimatum was given by the British commander in Bandung for the Indonesian combatants in Bandung to leave the city. In response, the southern part of Bandung was deliberately burned down in an act of defiance as they left on March 24th 1946; an event which came to be known as Bandung Lautan Api (or Bandung Sea of Fire). The revolutionary song "Halo-halo Bandung" was sung by hundreds of Indonesian nationalists in Bandung.
During the evacuations in March 1946, Mohammad Toha, a member of Indonesian militia, smuggled several sticks of dynamite past Japanese and Dutch troops, and into the Dutch military Headquarters in Dayeuh Kolot. He detonated the dynamite in warehouses of ammunition, killing himself and several Dutch, Japanese troops in the area. The explosion created a small lake ("situ") in Dayeuh Kolot. The main street in the area is called "Mohammad Toha Street".
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hydro Gel
Hydrogel (also called Aquagel) is a network of polymer chains that are water-insoluble, sometimes found as a colloidal gel in which water is the dispersion medium. Hydrogels are highly absorbent (they can contain over 99% water) natural or synthetic polymers. Hydrogels also possess a degree of flexibility very similar to natural tissue, due to their significant water content.
Hydrogel is a polymer product that can unravel through decomposition by mikrobia so this product is very safe to use. Polymer is sensitive to direct sunlight, which will cut off the chain polymernya and a few straggling oligomer.
Hydrogel akan unravel naturally in the soil to be CO2, H2O and nitrogen components.
Besides looks beautiful, the hydrogel particle-like crystals often deceive anyone who is new to view. Hydrogel is also interesting because of the color. How can be beautiful if you have the room clear vase containing plants that grow in media with hydrogel colors captivate like a Red, Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and White a sparkler.
In addition to beautify the room, this hydrogel can be used to plant a mixture of media in the pot plants, agricultural land, plantations, forests, etc.. So you who lived in the area of lack of water supply or the price of water is expensive or that you want to reduce the volume and frequency of sprinkling the plants and you will travel far and long, you never need to worry, HYDROGEL akan provide water and meet the needs of water you plant.
Benefits of using the hydrogel:
- Ensure available water throughout the year.
- Reduce ferekuensi sprinkling / irrigation up to 50%.
- Reduce water and nutrient loss caused by leaching and evaporasi.
- Improve the physical properties of soils with a compact form aerasi the air is good.
- Increase plant growth due to nutrient and water always available in the vicinity of the plant so that to optimize the absorption by roots.
- Reducing the mortality figures.
Reduce environmental pollution from erosion and ground water pollution.
Of land on the plant
Hydrogel work as a substitute for land in the plant. Most of the hydrogel used for indoor plant media.
Plants that are suitable use Hydrogel is: Aluminum Plant (Leaf Pearl) ,Aglaonema ,Foreword Netherlands, Emerald Bamboo / Bamboo China Water and plant lovers
Not all plants can grow well in the hydrogel. The characteristics of plants that can grow the plants that have resistance to the nature of excess water content, resistance to high humidity, not wooden, plants in space, generally does not flower. Hydrogel can also be planted vegetables such as lettuce and caisim. Plants in the first ditumbuhkan husk charcoal until a month before they are moved into the hydrogel.
Please be understood that, Hydrogel does not replace the water but can optimize accordingly through the use of a more effisien.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Pemahaman sederhana tentang Jenis Bunga Bank
- Bunga pinjaman ada yang berdasarkan atas sifat bunga, yaitu bunga tetap dan mengambang. Ada juga yang menurut perhitungan terhadap pokok (kredit), yaitu system bunga flat, efektif dan annuitas.
- Bunga Tetap (Fixed Interest)
Dalam system ini , tingkat suku bunga akan berubah selama periode tertentu sesuai kesepakatan. Jika tingkat suku bunga pasar (market interest rate) berubah (naik atau turun), bank akan tetap konsisten pada suku bunga yang telah ditetapkan. Lembaga pembiayaan yang menerapkan system bunga tetap menetapkan jangka waktu kredit antara 1 -5 tahun.
Keuntungan bagi anda adalah jika suku bunga pasar naik. Anda tidak akan terbebani bunga tambahan. Sebaliknya jika suku bunga pasar turun dan selisihnya lumayan besar, maka ada baiknya anda mempertimbangkan untuk melakukan refinancing, anda mestinya meyelesaikan kredit lebih cepat dan mengganti dengan kontrak baru yang berbunga rendah (Pinjaman tunai) .
- Bunga Mengambang (Floating Interest)
Dalam sistem ini, tingkat suku bunga akan mengikuti naik-turunnnya suku bunga pasar, maka bunga kredit anda juga akan ikut naik, demikian pula sebaliknya. Sistem bunga ini diterapkan untuk kredit Jangka panjang, sedangkan kredit kepemilikan rumah, modal kerja, usaha dan investasi.
- Bunga Flat (Flat Interest)
Pada sistem bunga flat, jumlah pembayaran pokok dan bunga kredit besarnya iama setiap bulan. Bunga Flat biasanya diperuntukan untuk kredit jangka pendek, contoh, kredit mobil, kredit motor dan kredit tanpa agunan. Lihat Pinjaman Cepat dan Usaha Pinjaman.
- Bunga Effektif (Effective Interest)
Pada sistem ini, perhitungan beban bunga dihitung setiap akhir periode pembayaran angsuran setiap akhir periode pembayaran angsuran berdasarkan saldo pokok. Beban bunga akan semakin menurun setiap bulan karena pokok utang jiuga berkurang seiring dengan cicilan.
Jangan membandingkan sistem bunga flat dengan efektif hanya dari angkanya saja. Bunga flat 6 % tidak sama dengan bunga efektif 6 %.
Besarnya bunga efektif biasanya 1.8 – 2 kali bunga flat. Jadi bunga flat 6 % sama dengan bunga efektif 10.8 % - 12 %.
- Bunga Anuitas (Anuity Interest)
Bunga anuitas boleh disetarakan dengan bunga efektif, bedanya ada rumus anuitas yang bisa menetapkan besarnya cicilan sasma secara terus-menerus sepanjang waktu kredit. Jika tingkat bunga berubah, angsuran akan menyesuaikan. Klik Modal Usaha dan Modal Pinjaman.
Dalam perhitungan anuitas, porsi bunga pada masa awal sangat besar sedangkan porsi angsuran pokok sangat kecil. Mendekati berakhirnya masa kredit, keadaam akan menjadi berbalik, porsi angsuran akan sangat besar sedangkan porsi bunga menjadi lebih kecil.
source : various
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Due to its strategic location astride two continents, Turkey's culture has a unique blend of Eastern and Western tradition. A powerful regional presence in the Eurasian landmass with strong historic, cultural and economic influence in the area between Europe in the west and Central Asia in the east, Russia in the north and the Middle East in the south, Turkey has come to acquire increasing strategic significance.
Turkey is a democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic whose political system was established in 1923 under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I. Since then, Turkey has become increasingly integrated with the West through membership in organizations such as the Council of Europe, NATO, OECD, OSCE and the G-20 major economies. Turkey began full membershipnegotiations with the European Union in 2005, having been an associate member of the EEC since 1963, and having reached a customs union agreement in 1995. Meanwhile, as a Muslim-majority country, Turkey has continued to foster close cultural, political, economic and industrial relations with the Eastern world, particularly with the states of the Middle East and Central Asia, through membership in organizations such as the OIC and ECO. Turkey is classified as a developed country by the CIA and as a regional power by political scientists and economists worldwide.
Terminilogi of the Forces indonesian Military
1. Regu adalah satuan militer terkecil dalam Bataliyon (Infanteri) yang terdiri minimal 20 personel.
2. Komandannya berpangkat Sersan Satu atau Kopral Kepala senior (yang berpengalaman).
3. Regu adalah bagian dari peleton.
1. Kesatuan militer di bawah Kompi yang terdiri dari beberapa regu (biasanya tiga regu),
2. kekuatan personilnya kurang lebih 30 sampai 50 orang dan biasanya dipimpin seorang Letnan Dua.
3. Posisi Komandan Peleton biasanya merupakan penugasan PERTAMA, bagi perwira yang baru lulus dari Akademi Militer (Angkatan Darat) dan Akademi Angkatan Laut (kecabangan Marinir).
1. Kesatuan militer yang berada di bawah Batalyon terdiri dari beberapa peleton (biasanya tiga peleton)
2. Kekuatan personilnya kurang lebih dari 180 hingga 250 orang. Biasanya dipimpin seorang Kapten.
3. Dalam satuan infanteri, ada tiga macam kompi, yang disesuaikan dengan fungsinya, yaitu Kompi Senapan (Kipan), Kompi Markas (Kima), Kompi Bantuan (Kiban). Kompi Senapan disiapkan untuk operasi lapangan, dengan dukungan Kompi Bantuan.
4. Persenjatan Kompi Bantuan lebih berat dari persenjataan Kipan, persenjataan Kipan terdiri dari Senjata Mesin Sedang (SMS), mitraliur, dan mortir.
1. Satuan dasar tempur di bawah Brigade atau Resimen yang terdiri dari suatu Markas, Kompi Markas dan beberapa Kompi (biasanya tiga Kompi) atau Baterai (istilah Kompi khusus untuk satuan Altileri).
2. Khusus untuk Batalyon Infantri dapat merupakan bagian taktis dari suatu Brigade dan dapat juga berdiri sendiri dengan tugas taktis dan administrasi. Contoh Bataliyon Infanteri (Yonif) yang tergabung dalam Brigade Infanteri (Brigif), adalah Yonif 312/Kala Hitam (Subang), Yonif 310/Iklas Karya Utama (Sukabumi), dan Yonif 327/Brajawijaya (Cianjur), ketiganya berada di bawah komando Brigif 15/Kujang (bermarkas di Bandung).
3. Yonif yang berstatus "BS" (Berdiri Sendiri), adalah Yonif yang tidak bergabung dalam Brigif, namun komandonya langsung dari Pangdam (setempat), karena biasanya Yonif tersebut adalah Yonif andalan, yang biasa disebut sebagai bataliyon pemukul Kodam. ContohYonif yang berstatus "BS", antara lain adalah Yonif 401/Banteng Raiders (Kodam IV/Diponegoro), Yonif 507/Sikatan (Kodam V/Brawijaya), Yonif Linud 733/Masariku (Kodam VIII/Trikora), Yonif Linud 100/Prajurit Setia (Kodam I/Bukit Barisan), dan lain-lain. Kategori lain adalah bataliyon yang di bawah komando Korem (Komando Resort Militer). Ini adalah kategori yang paling umum. Contoh Yonif 315/Garuda (di bawah Korem 061/Suryakencana, Bogor), Yonif 408/Subrastha (basis Kendal, di bawah Korem 073/Makutarama, Salatiga), Yonif 521 (basis Kediri, di bawah Korem 081/Dhirotsaha Jaya, Madiun), dan lain-lain.
4. Jumlah personil Yonif kurang lebih 700 hingga 1000 orang, Batalyon biasanya dipimpin seorang Mayor (senior) atau Letnan Kolonel.
5. Sedang untuk Bataliyon di luar infanteri, seperti Bataliyon Kavaleri (Yonkav), Bataliyon Artileri Medan (Yonarmed), Bataliyon Zeni Tempur (Yonzipur), Bataliyon Perbekalan dan Angkutan (Yonbekang), hitungan personelnya bukan sekadar orang per orang, namun jumlah kekuatan peralatannya dan anggota yang menjadi operator (awak) peralatan tersebut, misalnya Yonkav terdiri dari sekian tank atau sekian panser, Yonarmed terdiri dari sekian meriam, dan seterusnya. Jadi jumlah personelnya tidak sebanyak bataliyon infanteri biasa.
6. Bataliyon artileri ada dua macam, sesuai fungsinya: Bataliyon Artileri Medan (sasaran darat) dan Bataliyon Artileri Pertahanan Udara (sasaran udara).
7. Yonkav unsur persenjataan yang utama ada dua, yaitu tank dan panser. Ada Yonkav yang persenjataannya khusus panser atau khusus tank saja, atau gabungan antara keduanya. Contoh Yonkav yang persenjataannya hanya tank: Yonkav 1/Kostrad. Sedang khusus panser, contohnya Yonkav 7/Panser Khusus Kodam Jaya. Contoh yang gabungan: Yonkav 9/Serbu (Kodam Jaya), Yonkav 4/Serbu (Kodam III/Siliwangi). Yonkav yang berunsur gabungan panser dan tank, adalah bentuk yang paling umum.
1. Satuan tempur di atas Batalyon, dan di bawah Divisi yang merupakan satuan dasar tempur terdiri dari unsur-unsur tempur (biasanya tiga Batalyon), unsur-unsur bantuan tempur dan unsur-unsur bantuan administrasi.
2. Brigade dapat berdiri sendiri atau merupakan bagian dari komando yang lebih besar (Divisi).
3. Jumlah kekuatan personelnya kurang lebih 3000 hingga 5000 personel.
Karena merupakan satuan tempur yang relatif besar (gabungan tiga bataliyon), maka ketika operasi pada tingkat brigade, kesatuan tersebut bisa bergerak sendiri, lengkap dengan unsur Bantuan Tempur (Banpur) dan Bantuan Administrasi (Banmin) sendiri. Koordinasi Banpur dan Banmin berada di bawah unit tersendiri, yaitu Detesemen Markas, dipimpin seorang Dandema.
4. Brigade Infanteri (Brigif) di lingkungan TNI ada beberapa macam, bisa berdasar garis komando, bisa berdasar kualifikasi.
§ Berdasar garis komando, ada Brigif yang berada di bawah :
Kodam [Brigif yang berada di bawah Kodam hanya ada dua, yaitu Brigif 1/Jaya Sakti (Kodam Jaya) dan Brigif 15/Kujang (Kodam III/Siliwangi)]
Kostrad [Brigif Linud 3 (Makassar), Brigif Linud 17/Kujang I (Jakarta), Brigif Linud 18/Trisula (Malang), Brigif 13/Galuh (Tasikmalaya), Brigif 9 (Jember), dan Brigif 6 (Solo)]
§ Berdasar kualifikasi, ada Brigif Lintas Udara (linud), dan Brigif Lintas Medan (Brigif biasa).
1. Satuan militer di bawah Divisi yang terdiri dari beberapa Batalyon (biasanya 3 Batalyon).
2. Resimen merupakan satuan dengan kesenjataan yang sejenis, misalnya Resimen Arteleri Medan, Resimen Arhanud.
3. Resimen biasanya dipimpin seorang Kolonel.
4. Unsur-unsur satuan di bawah Resimen, hampir sama dengan Brigade. Tampaknya TNI lebih cenderung memakai sistem Brigade. Itu terlihat tidak adanya lagi satuan yang memakai sebutan Resimen, setidaknya di lingkungan Angkatan Darat. Terakhir, mungkin kita masih ingat, satuan yang pernah memakai nama resimen, adalah Kopassus, saat masih bernama Resimen Para Komando Angkatan Darat (RPKAD).
1. Satuan tempur militer terbesar, dengan kekuatan penuh. Maksudnya secara operasional, memilki kesatuan kesatuan tempur, berikut unsur pendukungnya, yaitu bantuan tempur dan bantuan administrasi, yang berada dalam garis komando Divisi tersebut, jadi tidak perlu mendatangkan dari komando lain di luar Divisi. Seperti Divisi Infanteri yang ada di Indonesia.
2. Angkatan Darat memiliki dua satuan setingkat Divisi, yang keduanya berada di bawah Kostrad, yaitu Divisi Infanteri 1 (markas di Cilodong, Bogor), dan Divisi Infanteri 2 (markas diSingosari, Malang). Divisi-divisi tersebut, selain memiliki unsur tempur sendiri (infanteri, kavaleri dan artileri), juga memiliki unsur bantuan tempur (Bataliyon Zeni, Bataliyon Perhubungan, dan Bataliyon Peralatan), dan unsur bantuan administrasi sendiri (perbekalan, angkutan, kesehatan, polisi militer, dll).
3. Divisi biasanya dipimpin oleh seorang Mayor Jendral.
Ada beberapa pengertian istilah Detasemen :
Kesatuan yang terdiri dari pasukan atau kapal-kapal yang diambil dari kesatuan yang lebih besar dikirim untuk suatu tugas khusus. Untuk Angkatan Darat, bisa berupa kendaraan lapis baja, seperti Detasemen Kavaleri.
Kesatuan tetap yang berkekuatan kurang lebih sebesar Peleton hingga Kompi yang dibentuk untuk tugas-tugas tertentu. Contoh: Detasemen Intel (Denintel) Kostrad, Denintel Kodam, Denma Brigif, Detasemen Polisi Militer, dan Detasemen 81/Anti Teror Kopassus (sebelum dilikuidasi). Untuk kategori ini komandannya, perwira berpangkat Mayor atau Letkol.
Nama tingkat kesatuan untuk organisasi kemarkasan tingkat Komando Utama ke atas. Contoh: Detasemen Markas (Denma) Markas Besar Angkatan Darat, Denma Mabes TNI, dan Denma Makodam. Komandannya biasanya berpangkat Kolonel (untuk Mabes), atau Letkol (untuk Makodam).

The city wall of Beijing was a fortification built around 1435. It was 23.5 km long. The thickness at ground level was 20m and the top 12m. The wall was 15m high, and it had nine gates. This wall stood for nearly 530 years, but in 1965 it was removed to give way to 2nd Ring Road and the loop line subway of Beijing. Only in the southeast, just south of Beijing Railway Station, stands one part of the wall. Three gates of the city wall are also intact (Desheng Gate, the Yongding Gate and Zhengyang Gate.
Beijing was the capital city of the last three dynasties (the Yuan, Ming and Qing) as well as two northern dynasties (the Liao and Jin) in the history of China, as such, Beijing is often referred to as an "ancient capital of Five dynasties" . It had an extensive fortification system, consisting of the Palace city, the Imperial city, the inner city and the outer city. Specifically including the many gate towers, gates, archways, watchtowers, barbicans, barbican towers, barbican gates, barbican archways, sluice gates, sluice gate towers, enemy sighting towers, corner guard towers and moat. It had the most extensive defense system in Imperial China.
After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Beijing's fortifications were dismantled one by one, the Palace city has remained largely intact, becoming the Palace Museum; the Imperial city only has Tian'anmen and several sections of imperial city wall remaining intact; the inner city with Zhengyangmen's gate tower and watchtower, Deshengmen's watchtower, the southeastern corner guard tower, and a section of the inner city wall near Chongwenmen remaining intact; and nothing of the outer city remaining intact, with Yongdingmen completely reconstructed in 2004.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
CIUNG WANARA (Legend among Sundanese people, Indonesia)
Here was once a kingdom in West Java, called Galuh, which was ruled by King Prabu Permana Di Kusumah. After having reigned for a long time the King decided to become an ascetic and he therefore summoned his minister Aria Kebonan to the palace. Apart from this Aria Kebonan had also to come to the king to bring report about the kingdom. While he was waiting in the front-gallery, he saw servants busy walking to and fro, arranging everything for the king. The minister thought how nice it would be to be a king. Every command was obeyed, every wish fulfilled. He therefore wanted to be a king also.
As he was daydreaming there, the king called him.
"Well, Aria Kebonan, is it true that you wish to be a king?" The king knew it because he was endowed with supernatural power.
"No, Your Highness, I shall not be able to."
"Do not lie, Aria Kebonan, I know it."
"Excuse me, Your Highness, I have just thought of it." "Well, I shall make you king. As long as I am away to meditate, you shall be king and rule in a proper way. Then you shall not treat my two wives, Dewi Pangrenyep and Dewi Naganingrum as your wife."
"All right, Your Highness."
"I shall change your appearance into a handsome man. Your name will be Prabu Barma Wijaya. Tell the people that the king has become young and I myself shall go to a secret place. Thus be a kings!"
In a moment Aria Kebonan's appearance resembled Prabu Permana di Kusumah's, but looked ten years younger. People believed his announcement that he was King Prabu Permana Di Kusumah who had become ten years younger and changed his name into Prabu Barma Wijaya. Only one man did not believe his stoiy. It was Uwa Batara Lengser who knew the agreement between the king and the minister. Prabu Barma Wijaya became proud and humiliated Uwa Batara Lengser who could do nothing. He was also rude towards the two queens. Both avoided him, except in public when they behaved as if they were Prabu Barma Wijaya's wives.
One night both queens dreamt that the moon feel upon them. They reported it to the king which gave him a fright, as such a dream was usually a warning to women who were going to be pregnant. This was impossible as he was not guilty of treating both queens as his wives. Uwa Batara Lengser appeared and proposed to invite a new ascetic, called Ajar Sukaresi - who was none else than King Prabu Permana Di Kusumah - to explain the strange dream. Prabu Barma Wijaya agreed. As soon as the ascetic arrived at the palace he was asked by the king about the meaning of the dream.
"Both of the queens are expecting a child, Your
Highness." Although startled by the answer, Prabu Barma Wijaya could still control himself. Eager to know how far the ascetic dared to lie to him, he put another question. "Will they be girls or boys?"
"Both are boys, Your Highness." At this the king could no longer restrain himself, took out his creese and stabbed Ajar Sukaresi to death. He failed. The creese was crooked. "Do you want me to be dead? In that case, I will I shall be dead." Then the ascetic fell down. The king kicked the dead body so violently that it was thrown into the forest where it changed into a big dragon, called Nagawiru. At court something strange happened. Both queens were indeed pregnant. After some time Dewi Pangrenyep gave birth to a son who was called Hariang Banga, while Dewi Naganingrum gave birth at a later date.
One day when Prabu Barma Wijaya was visiting Dewi Naganingrum, the unborn child spoke: "Barma Wijaya, you have already forgotten a lot of promises. The more you do cruel things, the shorter your power will last."
This made the King very angry and at the same time he was afraid of the threat by the baby. He wanted to get rid of it and soon he found the way to do that. He asked for Dewi Pangrenyep's help to be quit of Dewi Naganingrum's baby who would be born as a rascal according to his dream. He would not be suitable for the ruler of the country together with Dewi Pangrenyep's son Hariang Banga. The queen believed it and agreed, but what was to be done?
"We shall exchange the baby with a dog and throw the child into the Citanduy river." This they did after covering Dewi Naganingrum's eyes with some wax, pretending to help the poor woman. The baby was put into a basket and thrown into the Citanduy river after a baby dog was laid on the lap of the unlucky mother.
Soon the queen knew that she was holding a baby dog and was very sad. The two evil-doers tried to get rid of Dewi Naganingrum by telling lies to the people, but nobody believed them. Even Uwa Batara Lengser could do nothing as the king as well as Queen Dewi Pangrenyep, was very powerful. Barma Wijaya even sentenced Dewi Naganingrum to death because she had given birth to a dog, which was shameful for the country. Uwa Batara Lengser got the instruction to carry out the command. He took the unlucky woman to the wood, but he did not kill her, instead he built a good hut for her. To convince the king and Dewi Pangrenyep that he had carried out the order, he showed them Dewi Naganingrum's bloodstained clothes.
At the village Geger Sunter, by the Citanduy river, there lived an old couple who usually put their bow-net in the river. One morning they went to the river to fetch the bow-net, and were very surprised to find a casket in the net instead of a fish. Opening it, they found a lovely baby. They carried the baby home and took care of it and loved it as their own.
As time went by the baby grew to a fine young man who accompanied the old man hunting in the wood. One day they saw a bird and a monkey.
"What bird and monkey are they, Father?"
"The bird is called Ciung and the monkey Wanara, my son."
"In that case, then call me Ciung Wanara." The old man agreed as the meaning of both words suited to the character of the boy.
One day he asked the old man why he was different from the other boys of the village and why they honoured him much. Then the old man told him that he had been driven to the place in a box and was not a boy from the village.
"Your parents are surely noble people from Galuh."
"In that case, I have to go thither in search for my real parents, Father."
"That is right, but you should go with a friend. In the casket there is an egg. Take it, go to the wood and find a fowl to hatch it."
Ciung Wanara took the egg, made for the wood as told by the old man, but he could not find a fowl. Instead he found Nagawiru who was kind to him and who offered him to hatch the egg. He laid the egg under the dragon and shortly after it was hatched. The chicken grew up rapidly. Ciung Wanara put it in the basket, left the old man and his wife and made for Galuh.
On arriving there the hen had already grown into a big and strong game-cock. While Ciung Wanara was looking for the owner of the casket, he took part in cock-fighting. His cock never lost. The news about the young man whose cock always won at cock-fighting also reached Prabu Barma Wijaya who ordered Uwa Batara Lengser to find the young man. The old man immediately felt that he was Dewi Naganingrum's son, especially when Ciung Wanara showed him the casket in which he had been thrown into the river. Uwa Batara Lengser told Ciung Wanara that the king had ordered such besides accusing his mother of having given birth to a dog.
"If your cock wins in the fight against that of the king, just ask him half of the kingdom as a reward of your victory."
The next morning Ciung Wanara appeared in front of Prabu Barma Wijaya and told him what Lengser had proposed. The king agreed as he was sure of the victory of his cock, called si Jeling. It proved that the cock lost his life in the fight and the king was compelled to fulfill his promise to give Ciung Wanara half of his kingdom.
Ciung Wanara became king of half and had an iron prison built to keep bad people. One day Prabu Barma Jaya and Dewi Pangrenyep came to inspect the prison. As they were inside, Ciung Wanara shut the door and made it known to the people of the country. They cheered.
Hariang Banga, Dewi Pangrenyep's son, however, was sad and attacked Ciung Wanara and his followers. Nobody won. All of a sudden there appeared King Prabu Permana Di Kusumah accompanied by Dewi Naganingrum and Uwa Batara Lengser.
"Hariang Banga and Ciung Wanara!" the king said, "Stop fighting!. It is pamali - taboo- fighting against own brothers. You are brothers, both of you are my sons. Both of you will reign here, Ciung Wanara in Galuh and Hariang Banga in eastern of Pamali river or Brebes river, the new country. Let Dewi Pangrenyep and Barma Wijaya who was Aria Kebonan in prison as they are bad people."
Since then Galuh was prosperous again as in the days of Prabu Permana Di Kusumah.
The strategies to manage risk include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. This section provides an introduction to the principles of risk management. The vocabulary of risk management is defined in ISO Guide 73, "Risk management. Vocabulary" ] Risk management also faces difficulties allocating resources. This is the idea of opportunity cost. Resources spent on risk management could have been spent on more profitable activities. Again, ideal risk management minimizes spending while maximizing the reduction of the negative effects of risks. Principles of risk management According to the standard ISO/DIS 31000 "Risk management -- Principles and guidelines on implementation" , the process of risk management consists of several steps as follows: Establishing the context Examples of risk sources are: stakeholders of a project, employees of a company or the weather over an airport. When either source or problem is known, the events that a source may trigger or the events that can lead to a problem can be investigated. For example: stakeholders withdrawing during a project may endanger funding of the project; privacy information may be stolen by employees even within a closed network; lightning striking a Boeing 747 during takeoff may make all people onboard immediate casualties. Assessment Ideal use of these strategies may not be possible. Some of them may involve trade-offs that are not acceptable to the organization or person making the risk management decisions. Another source, from the US Departement of Defense, Defense Acqusistion Univeristy, calls these categories ACAT, for Avoid, Control, Accept, or Transfer. This use of the ACAT acronym is reminiscent of another ACAT (for Acquisition Category) used in US Defense industry procurements, in which Risk Management figures prominently in decision making and planning. Risk in a project or process can be due either to Special Cause variation or Common Cause Variation and requires appropriate treatment. That is to re-iterate the concern about extremal cases not being equivalent in the list immediately above.
Risk Management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events. Risks can come from uncertainty in financial markets, project failures, legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attacks from an adversary. Several risk management standards have been developed including the Project Management Institue, the National Institute of Science & technology, actuarial societies, and ISO standards. Methods, definitions and goals vary widely according to whether the risk management method is in the context of project management, security, engineering, industrial processes, financial portfolios, actuarial assessments, or public health and safety.
For the most part, these methodologies consist of the following elements, performed, more or less, in the following order.
In ideal risk management, a prioritization process is followed whereby the risks with the greatest loss and the greatest probality of occurring are handled first, and risks with lower probability of occurrence and lower loss are handled in descending order. In practice the process can be very difficult, and balancing between risks with a high probability of occurrence but lower loss versus a risk with high loss but lower probability of occurrence can often be mishandled.
Intangible risk management identifies a new type of risk that has a 100% probability of occurring but is ignored by the organization due to a lack of identification ability. For example, when deficient knowledge is applied to a situation, a knowledge risk materialises. Relationship risk appears when ineffective collaboration occurs. Process-engagement risk may be an issue when ineffective operational procedures are applied. These risks directly reduce the productivity of knowledge workers, decrease cost effectiveness, profitability, service, quality, reputation, brand value, and earnings quality. Intangible risk management allows risk management to create immediate value from the identification and reduction of risks that reduce productivity.
The international organization for Standardization identifies the following principles of risk management:
Establishing the context involves
the social scope of risk management
the identity and objectives of stakeholders
the basis upon which risks will be evaluated, constraints.
After establishing the context, the next step in the process of managing risk is to identify potential risks. Risks are about events that, when triggered, cause problems. Hence, risk identification can start with the source of problems, or with the problem itself.
The chosen method of identifying risks may depend on culture, industry practice and compliance. The identification methods are formed by templates or the development of templates for identifying source, problem or event. Common risk identification methods are:
Once risks have been identified, they must then be assessed as to their potential severity of loss and to the probability of occurrence. These quantities can be either simple to measure, in the case of the value of a lost building, or impossible to know for sure in the case of the probability of an unlikely event occurring. Therefore, in the assessment process it is critical to make the best educated guesses possible in order to properly prioritize the implementation of the risk management plan.
The fundamental difficulty in risk assesment is determining the rate of occurrence since statistical information is not available on all kinds of past incidents. Furthermore, evaluating the severity of the consequences (impact) is often quite difficult for immaterial assets. Asset valuation is another question that needs to be addressed. Thus, best educated opinions and available statistics are the primary sources of information. Nevertheless, risk assessment should produce such information for the management of the organization that the primary risks are easy to understand and that the risk management decisions may be prioritized. Thus, there have been several theories and attempts to quantify risks. Numerous different risk formulae exist, but perhaps the most widely accepted formula for risk quantification is:
Rate of occurrence multiplied by the impact of the event equals risk
Later research has shown that the financial benefits of risk management are less dependent on the formula used but are more dependent on the frequency and how risk assesment is performed.
In business it is imperative to be able to present the findings of risk assessments in financial terms. Robert Courtney Jr. (IBM, 1970) proposed a formula for presenting risks in financial terms. The Courtney formula was accepted as the official risk analysis method for the US governmental agencies. The formula proposes calculation of ALE (annualised loss expectancy) and compares the expected loss value to the security control implementation costs (cost-benefit analysis)).
Once risks have been identified and assessed, all techniques to manage the risk fall into one or more of these four major categories:
Risk avoidance
Includes not performing an activity that could carry risk. An example would be not buying a property or business in order to not take on the liability that comes with it. Another would be not flying in order to not take the risk that the airplane were to be Hijacked. Avoidance may seem the answer to all risks, but avoiding risks also means losing out on the potential gain that accepting (retaining) the risk may have allowed. Not entering a business to avoid the risk of loss also avoids the possibility of earning profits.
Risk reduction
Involves methods that reduce the severity of the loss or the likelihood of the loss from occurring. For example, sprinklers are designed to put out a fire to reduce the risk of loss by fire. This method may cause a greater loss by water damage and therefore may not be suitable. Halon fire suppression systems may mitigate that risk, but the cost may be prohibitive as a strategy. Risk management may also take the form of a set policy, such as only allow the use of secured IM platforms (like Brosix) and not allowing personal IM platforms (like AIM) to be used in order to reduce the risk of data leaks.
Modern software development methodologies reduce risk by developing and delivering software incrementally. Early methodologies suffered from the fact that they only delivered software in the final phase of development; any problems encountered in earlier phases meant costly rework and often jeopardized the whole project. By developing in iterations, software projects can limit effort wasted to a single iteration.
Outsourcing could be an example of risk reduction if the outsourcer can demonstrate higher capability at managing or reducing risks. In this case companies outsource only some of their departmental needs. For example, a company may outsource only its software development, the manufacturing of hard goods, or customer support needs to another company, while handling the business management itself. This way, the company can concentrate more on business development without having to worry as much about the manufacturing process, managing the development team, or finding a physical location for a call center.
Risk retention
Involves accepting the loss when it occurs. True self insurance falls in this category. Risk retention is a viable strategy for small risks where the cost of insuring against the risk would be greater over time than the total losses sustained. All risks that are not avoided or transferred are retained by default. This includes risks that are so large or catastrophic that they either cannot be insured against or the premiums would be infeasible. War is an example since most property and risks are not insured against war, so the loss attributed by war is retained by the insured. Also any amounts of potential loss (risk) over the amount insured is retained risk. This may also be acceptable if the chance of a very large loss is small or if the cost to insure for greater coverage amounts is so great it would hinder the goals of the organization too much.
Risk transfer
In the terminology of practitioners and scholars alike, the purchase of an insurance contract is often described as a "transfer of risk." However, technically speaking, the buyer of the contract generally retains legal responsibility for the losses "transferred", meaning that insurance may be described more accurately as a post-event compensatory mechanism. For example, a personal injuries insurance policy does not transfer the risk of a car accident to the insurance company. The risk still lies with the policy holder namely the person who has been in the accident. The insurance policy simply provides that if an accident (the event) occurs involving the policy holder then some compensation may be payable to the policy holder that is commensurate to the suffering/damage.
Some ways of managing risk fall into multiple categories. Risk retention pools are technically retaining the risk for the group, but spreading it over the whole group involves transfer among individual members of the group. This is different from traditional insurance, in that no premium is exchanged between members of the group up front, but instead losses are assessed to all members of the group.
Create a risk-management plan
Select appropriate controls or countermeasures to measure each risk. Risk mitigation needs to be approved by the appropriate level of management. For example, a risk concerning the image of the organization should have top management decision behind it whereas IT management would have the authority to decide on computer virus risks.
The risk management plan should propose applicable and effective security controls for managing the risks. For example, an observed high risk of computer viruses could be mitigated by acquiring and implementing antivirus software. A good risk management plan should contain a schedule for control implementation and responsible persons for those actions.
According to ISO/IEC 27001, the stage immediately after completion of the Risk Assesment phase consists of preparing a Risk Treatment Plan, which should document the decisions about how each of the identified risks should be handled. Mitigation of risks often means selection of security controls, which should be documented in a Statement of Applicability, which identifies which particular control objectives and controls from the standard have been selected, and why.
Follow all of the planned methods for mitigating the effect of the risks. Purchase insurance policies for the risks that have been decided to be transferred to an insurer, avoid all risks that can be avoided without sacrificing the entity's goals, reduce others, and retain the rest.
Review and evaluation of the plan
Initial risk management plans will never be perfect. Practice, experience, and actual loss results will necessitate changes in the plan and contribute information to allow possible different decisions to be made in dealing with the risks being faced.
Risk analysisi results and management plans should be updated periodically. There are two primary reasons for this:
If risks are improperly assessed and prioritized, time can be wasted in dealing with risk of losses that are not likely to occur. Spending too much time assessing and managing unlikely risks can divert resources that could be used more profitably. Unlikely events do occur but if the risk is unlikely enough to occur it may be better to simply retain the risk and deal with the result if the loss does in fact occur. Qualitative risk assessment is subjective and lack consistancy. The primary justification for a formal risk assessment process is legal and bureaucratic.
Prioritizing too highly the risk management processes could keep an organization from ever completing a project or even getting started. This is especially true if other work is suspended until the risk management process is considered complete.
It is also important to keep in mind the distinction between risk and uncertainty. Risk can be measured by impacts x probability.
Areas of risk management
As applied to corporate finance, risk management is the technique for measuring, monitoring and controlling the financial or operational risk on a firm's balance sheet. See value at risk..
The Base II framework breaks risks into market risk (price risk), credit risk and operational risk and also specifies methods for calculating capital requirements for each of these components.
Enterprise risk management
In enterprise risk management, a risk is defined as a possible event or circumstance that can have negative influences on the enterprise in question. Its impact can be on the very existence, the resources (human and capital), the products and services, or the customers of the enterprise, as well as external impacts on society, markets, or the environment. In a financial institution, enterprise risk management is normally thought of as the combination of credit risk, interest rate risk or asset liability management, market risk, and operational risk.
In the more general case, every probable risk can have a pre-formulated plan to deal with its possible consequences (to ensure contingency if the risk becomes a liability).
From the information above and the average cost per employee over time, or cost accrual ratio, a project manager can estimate:
Sorting on this value puts the highest risks to the schedule first. This is intended to cause the greatest risks to the project to be attempted first so that risk is minimized as quickly as possible.
This is slightly misleading as schedule variances with a large P and small S and vice versa are not equivalent. (The risk of the RMS Titanic sinking vs. the passengers' meals being served at slightly the wrong time).
sorting on this value puts the highest risks to the budget first.
see concerns about schedule variance as this is a function of it, as illustrated in the equation above.
Risk-management activities as applied to project management
In project management, risk management includes the following activities:
Risk management and business continuity
Risk management is simply a practice of systematically selecting cost effective approaches for minimising the effect of threat realization to the organization. All risks can never be fully avoided or mitigated simply because of financial and practical limitations. Therefore all organizations have to accept some level of residual risks.
Whereas risk management tends to be preemptive, business continuity planning (BCP) was invented to deal with the consequences of realised residual risks. The necessity to have BCP in place arises because even very unlikely events will occur if given enough time. Risk management and BCP are often mistakenly seen as rivals or overlapping practices. In fact these processes are so tightly tied together that such separation seems artificial. For example, the risk management process creates important inputs for the BCP (assets, impact assessments, cost estimates etc). Risk management also proposes applicable controls for the observed risks. Therefore, risk management covers several areas that are vital for the BCP process. However, the BCP process goes beyond risk management's preemptive approach and moves on from the assumption that the disaster will realize at some point.
Risk Communication
Risk communication refers to the idea that people are uncomfortable talking about risk. People tend to put off admitting that risk is involved, as well as communicating about risks and crises. Risk Communication can also be linked to Crisis communication.
Benefits and Barriers of Risk Communication
"Some of the Benefits of risk communication include, improved collective and individual decision making. Both the purpose of the exchange, and the nature of the information have an impact on the benefits. Depending on the situation, personal and community anxieties about environmental health risks can be reduced or increased. For example, a goal might be raising concern about radon and prompting action."
Seven cardinal rules for the practice of risk communication
(as first expressed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several of the field's founders)
Accept and involve the public as a legitimate partner.Plan carefully and evaluate your efforts.Listen to the public's specific concerns.Be honest, frank, and open.Coordinate and collaborate with other credible sources.Meet the needs of the media.Speak clearly and with compassion.
Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication. Pamphlet drafted by Vincent T. Covello and Frederick H. Allen. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, April 1988, OPA-87-020. Variuos source