For Many Centuries there had been people with the name Shakespeare in Warwickshire. England. Some Villages contained several families of that name, so nobody thought it an important event when John Shakespeare from a village near Stratford married Mary Arden, a girl from Wilmcote.
No one is certain where the marriage took place because the register in which John and Mary signed their names has been lost. This couple had four daughters and three sons. Only the eldest boy, William, is remembered.
John Shakespeare preferred town life to that of the country. He took his bride to a house he already owned in Stratford-on –Avon) Stratford on the Avon River). He worked as a glove maker but he also sold raw hides, leather, wool and wheat. He even worked as a butcher and some say that hi son William was able to help him.
As his business developed. Jhon Shakespeare was given important position on the town council. His first position was as the official ale tester in 1556. Ten year later he achieved the top position of deputy sheriff.
When William was growing up, his father was an important citizen in a busy market town. Of Course William was proud of his father, who was comparatively wealthy and well known in Stratford-on-Avon. No doubt he enjoyed meeting all sorts of people at his fin house near the town centre.
Because his father was a member of the town council William was able to study at Stratford Grammar School. A very special Scholl that taught Latin and Greek and was attended only by the children of prominent people. His father did not have to pay for his education. This school was one of the best at that time.
Lesson began at six a.m. in summer and at seven in winter, and did not finish until late in the afternoon. Discipline was strict and the teacher didn’t hesitate to use the cane to punish his pupils. There were not many books so the pupils had to memorize a lot. Years later William wrote about a schoolboy walking very slowly because he did not want to go to school.
William’s knowledge of Latin, which he learned at school, was very useful when he wrote his plays. He probably went to church which his father every week because of the Bible and the prayer book. He had a good memory for the sermons given by the priest, but often he could not hear the priest well in winter as he frequently ha a bad cold.
Apart from church and Scholl. The people and the scene of the lovely Strafford countryside were also an important influence in Williams’s life. He learned to fish in the Avon River. Practiced archery, walked through the rich farm land, was interested I hunting and wandered among the tall trees of the forest Arden. All these things, as well as different types of flowers and the customs of the country people in his plays.
We don’t know anything about his friends when he was young, but he made some enemies among the adults in the Stratford. There are stories about what William did when he went poaching and there is evidence that he was caught when he was stealing a deer from a certain land owner. As punishment, William was whipped and locked up. William had his revenge when he described one of the strange characters in his play. “Henry IV” as the same as his enemy the land ford.
When William was bout thirteen, his father’s business was no longer successful. His father had many debts and had to give up his position on town council.
William must have worried about what kind of work he could do.
In fact, two of the Queen’s best friends lived at the castles of Warwick and Kenilworth.
The road from London to these castles went through Stratford. Often the queen stayed at Warwick and Kenilworth. Messengers, knights and court actors travelledthrough his town. Certainly, William must have seen the Queen travel through Stratford during his schooldays there.
Sometimes local towns-people and villagers were allowed into a castle to watch the entertainment held for the Queen. Perhaps William went with his father and saw his first play at Kenilworth castle. Best of All, he would have seen and met the actors themselves.
In those days actors had to obtain a license from an important person before they could perform in public. These players came to Stratford and performed the latest plays from London; Young boys always took the women’s parts in these plays.
When did William decide to become a play writer?
Such a questions cannot be answered. Some say that he was as assistant to a school-master for a few years, some believe that he became a soldier and fought in the wars in Holland. Other says that he traveled perhaps as far as Venice in Italy. In one of the ships that used to sail up the Avon River to Stratford. We know that when he was seventeen years of age he was in Stratford and married a lady seven years older than himself. The marriage was quickly arranged and people say that William did not really want to marry at that time. His wife was Anne Hath away and from this marriage they had several children. In the later were more important to him than his wife.
We know that by the time William was twenty, he was in London, playing small parts in plays. Rewriting old play and learning the skill that he needed as an actor of his life he spent in the world of the theater. However, he never forgot Stratford. When he retired as an actor, he returned to this town and spent his last days there.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Childhood of SHAKESPEARE
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
DREAMS are like magical shows that are for you alone to see. Sometimes your dreams are fearful.: perhaps you are flying in the air like a bird, and you feel wonderful. No matter if the dream is terrible or beautiful, it is almost always fantastic. Things happen that could never happen in your real life.
People have always wondered about dreams. Where do they come from? What do they mean? In ancient times, people believed that dreams came from the gods. People thought that Gods sent them dreams in order to tell them what they should do, or should not do.
Over that year, scientist and doctors have studied dreams, and they can tell us that dreams do not come from supernatural powers at all. Each of us creates his own dreams.
When you fall asleep. The part of your mind that works during the day (Which is called the conscious mind) gets a rest. At certain times during your sleep, another part of your mind – your subconscious mind – becomes active. It starts to create moving pictures that you “see” as you sleep. Moving pictures called dreams.
Sometimes the dream-picture is brought about by something that is happening to your body as you sleep. Suppose your leg slips out from under the blanket on a cold night, this might start you dreaming a “Cold” dream. Possibly you would dream that you are dipping your leg in cold water.
Scientist also say that most of our dream-pictures are brought about by things we have seen or done during the day. The mysterious thing is that often the dream-picture is not exactly the same as the experience that brought it about. Suppose you went swimming in a pool one day. That night, you might dream that you are at the pool again. Or the dream might change the poll into a river or a bathtub.
Many times the dream changes and disguises things so much that we do not realize it has any connection with real people or experience. But all our dreams do have something to do with our real life.
Why do we dream? Every one dream ; babies, children and adult of all ages. Because everyone dreams, there must be a good reason for it, just as there is a reason why we eat, sleep or breathe. It was easy to find the reason for eating. Sleeping and breathing, but it has not been easy to find the reason for dreaming. People have been looking for an answer for hundred of years. Even today no one is completely sure, but we have some good ideas.
One of the first good ideas came from psychologist who lived in Austria more than seventy years ago. Dr Sigmund Freud. Psychologist is interested in what makes people act the way they do. Often they help people who are very worried that they cannot live normal, happy lives. Dr. Freud felt that dreams might tell a lot about a person and that he could help his patients get better if he knew and could understand their dreams.
Freud thought all dreams were caused by wishes. As one simple example, he told of how on one occasion his little daughter was sick and was not allowed to have anything to eat all day. That night, someone heard the girl talking in her sleep, mentioning some of her favorite foods, and what would a hungry child wish for more?
As they grow up, most people try to hide some of their wishes, Dr. Freud said. That is because they are ashamed of the wishes, or even afraid of them, even though there is sometimes nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. But the person cannot forget these hidden wishes so they come out at night when he is sleeping. In the form of silly dreams.
Most psychologuists do not think that all dream are caused by secret, hidden wishes.
Some dreams, they say, may be caused by problem or worries that we do not want to think about. When we fall asleep, our subconscious mind tries to help us solve the problem in a dream. Scientist have discovered that if a person is kept from dreaming for several nights in a row. He will become very nervous, and may get upset very easily. They think that are worrying him.
In the last few years, dream experts have made discoveries that lead them to think that dreaming may also allow up to clear useless pieces of information out of our minds. We need to do thos, the scientist say so that can we can make room in our minds for new information and for new sensations we are receiving every day.
This new idea would explain why we often dream about things that happened long ago, Many adults can tell you that they have had dreams about people and places they knew when they were children. These memories were stored up in their subconscious minds for many years, and the dream brought them out of storage, perhaps to make room for newer memories.
Do you dream in colour? Everybody who sees colour, dreams in colour. But it usually does not seem significant enough for you to speak about it. You might speak of a colour when you dream of certain object: you are wearing a red dress, for instance, or you dream you are seeing your sister in her white nad blue school uniform and so on.
Do Blind people dream ? People who are blind from birth do not have dream-pictures as sighted people have. But They do dream. Their dreams are made up of sound, touch, smell and taste sensations they know in their waking life. Blind people who at some time been able to see will sometimes “see” images in their dreams.
Do Animals dream? It looks as if they do. Of course , no one has been able to find out exactly what they are dreaming about. But scientific test have given convincing indications that they probably dream too,
Monday, February 23, 2009
ON 23th December, 1971 a seventeen year-old girl named Juliane Koepcke and her mother were passenger in a Lockheed Electra aero plane, which was making the flight between Lima (the capital of Peru) and the small town to Pucallpa. They were on the way to join her father. Professor Koepcke, who was head of the zoological department at Lima University. He was carrying out research work in the jungle.
Juliane has spent a good deal of time in the jungle.. Her father had taught her about the dangers of this unfriendly world, and the things one must do to stay alive in it.
The flight should have taken an hour. But, after they had been in the air for thirty minutes, the aero plane ran into trouble. This was accompanied by heavy rain and flashes of lightning’s last memory was of the wing catching fire. After that, she became unconscious and never felt the crash.
When she became conscious again, she felt that she was lying under a seat, out in the open air. She had bruises on her head. A broken bone in her neck and a bad cut on of her feet. Of her mother, the other ninety passengers and the plane’s crew, there was no sign.
She felt too weak to get to her feet, and soon she went to sleep again.
When she woke up in the morning, she realized that her mother had probably been killed. As she wrote afterwards in her diary: “Now my father has probably lost his wife, but he must no lose to stay alive.”
She was somewhere in the jungle, but she had no idea where, all that she could do was to obey the oldest law in such a situation: find a river and follow it.
In this region, there are streams which flow into rivers, rivers which join up with bigger rivers: everything, at last, ends up in the Amazon.
Her only clothing was the mini-dress which she had worn on the aero plane. For food, she had some cake and a bag of sweets. But, on closer inspection, the cake turned out to be inedible.
For ten days she walked. She had found a stream and this led her to a river. Sometimes she traveled along the bank. The only signs of the life she could see were the vultures. Which were feeding off the bodies of her fellow passengers?
The jungle is a giant drum of poison in which everything seems to be a murder a weapon.
There is the sun, which burns your skin, fruit and berries. Which look delicious? But can make you ill or even kill you when you eat them, poisonous snakes, mosquitoes, giant green flies which ran frighten you away, alligators, piranha fish. Which have sharp teeth and will eat a man alive, deadly giant spiders which suck human blood, and other, equally deadly, insect.
Luckily, Juliane never felt hungry, and she was able to make the sweets last for along time. When she felt thirsty. There was the river, though swimming in it meant throwing herself into disaster, The open wound in her foot was an invitation to piranhas.
In pain, never seeming to reach the greater world where people lived. Juliane walked on slowly and heavily. She lost all awareness of the passage of hours and days. At night she slept fearfully in the open, conscious all the while of strange sounds of a jungle which never sleeps.
After ten days she was in a state very close to despair. She was just about to lie down for the night when she saw a wooden but, nearby there was a boat. But there were no people.
She spent the night in the hut and, after she had rested , she wondered what to do next, Would anyone ever come there again? Should she wait, or should she try to struggle on?
Later than day. Three young men arrived. They were jungle people who used to travel from one place to another, making their living by cutting down trees, and floating them down the river to Pucallpa.
At first, they couldn't’t believe her story. It was impossible They said. Nobody could have suffered so much, and still be alive. But they were kind. They washed her cuts and injuries gave her a meal, and at last took her down the river in their boat to a village. From there, alight aircraft flown by a woman pilot named Jerry Cobb took her to hospital at Pucallpa.
Even If you ignore the dangers of the jungle and the amazing strength of spirit which made the girl determined to move on, and her ability to walk through very dense jungle with only a bag of sweets to eat --- even if one ignores all these things, the chances of survival for juliane were still very small.
For example, she could never have reached the village without assistance. She had to depend on those three young men. But, if she had not decided to stop at the particular place on the river bank, she would almost certainly have passed their hut without seeing it. Furthermore, the young men only came there about once every three weeks, if she had arrived one day later, for instance, she would have missed them.
Juliane koepcke had to live for her father’s sake. Determination such as this only occurs once or twice in any generation…..
Sunday, February 22, 2009
To Like and to be liked
EVERYONE Wants to be liked. To be liked and appreciated is one of the normal human desires. That’s why toothpaste, perfumery, makeup and the like, are produced and sold by the millions through advertisements which promise popularity. The problem of getting along with others is no simple matter: it is an important skill which must be mastered if we are to be happy with life and with people. But how is it done ?
When interviewed by a pressman about the basic requirement of being requirement of being a successful salesman, Mr. C. Wood bridge, Director of a big American corporation, stated, “ It’s to like people. Of course he must know the product of his company. He must be hard worker. He must be dynamic, But first of all he must like people.
When a person genuinely likes other people, he himself is certain to be liked in return. So, a primary step in trying to be well liked is simply to like other people and like them sincerely, not just for a certain purpose.
Of Course, this is not always easy. Some people are more difficult to like then others. But the more you practice liking people, the easier it becomes. This cannot be done merely by saying, “ I am now going to like everybody.” Liking other people is the result of a way of thinking, that is, a positive way of thinking.
You should avoid having any negative thinking toward other people, such as pride, prejudice, jealously, unreasonable suspicion, and so on. If you can develop a positive mental attitude, the world will seem so different and wonderful that you tend to love everybody and everything.
Behaviour often speaks as clearly as words, sometimes even more clearly. Most of us tend to talk too much when people come to us with a problem, not realizing that on certain occasions silence is better than speech. Many of us do not realize that the art of good communication includes not only the skill of listening attentively and understandingly, or , in other words, listening positively.
To Listen positively is to listen with patience, symphaty and with love. Sometimes a person visits a friend to ask for advice to help solve a problem, whereas what he needs is a companion to whom he can pour out all his worries. He tells his friend all his problem. What the friend does in only listen and listen; listening attentively and sympathetically. In the end the visitor finds his own solution, thanks his friends and praises him as being very understanding, and leaves happily.
What the wise friend did? He seemed to do nothing, but actually he did something creative. He Has no negative feeling toward his visitors; he loves his guests, he loves everybody who comes to him for help, and in return, the guest loves his as well……………………….
Thursday, February 19, 2009
THE Art of Being a Parent
Pregnancy and birth are truly marvelous things. Human being will probably just what takes place during the nine months in mother’s womb. Think of it ! At the very beginning this creature that will influence your life is so small that it is smaller than the dot on this letter “i” . Three weeks later it has grown to about the size of the letter “t”.
At five months the unborn baby may stretch, head to foot. Another four months. And all three to five kilogrammes of him will let out a cry that will surprise you. As he seems to say ; “Here I am. Are you ready for me?”
Actually, these nine months have provided just enough time for the preparation of your mind, emotions and body for the welcoming of your new friend.
Remember, mother, what is taking place within you is a very marvelous yet natural process. Do not feel too strange about the changes in your body. But it will be worthwhile learning something about the marvelous development from an ovum to the delivery of the newborn baby.
A Visit to a library or a delivery consultation bureau will help you to find information about this process. It will give you proper insight and understanding, and enable you to get ready for the newcomer.
What name will you choose? Your child will be known by it for a very long time, so the choice of name should be given serious thought. Some parents choose name that have religious backgrounds, such as those taken from Holly Qoran or the Bible. Others select a name that has more of family connection. You may think of a name that has some personal meaning to yourselves. Some parents have even made up a very original name.
But do not give your child a name that will result in awkwardness or embarrassment as he grows older. The name RajasanagaraTuggadewa may have been all right for an aristocrat in the period of the ancient Javanese kingdom of Singhasari, but it would make a person a laughing-stock these days.
Then there is the matter of clothes and napkins or diapers. Of which you will need a lot. Also, will you have the baby delivered at home, in a hospital or in a maternity clinic? These are just a few of the many things you will have to ask yourselves and think over during these nine months. But there are other decision to be made, too.
One early decision is whether the baby will be breast-or bottle fed. It is true that bottle feeding is less bothersome. But even though cow’s milk may be adapted to meet the physical needs of the young one. There is a very important psychological need that a mother fulfills when she feeds her baby from the breast.
Also, no substitute can match perfectly the nourishment and protection that mother’s milk is naturally designed to give a baby. Breast milk has a constant temperature: it is germ-free: it is easily digested: it contains all vitamins, and, what is more important It contains certain substances that are very very necessary for the protection of the baby from infections.
Do got be surprised if you find that your life is not your own when the newcomer first arrives at home. Due to his special needs, you may find that your life is governed to a large extent by the desires and needs of the baby. However, gradually the little once kindness to realize that he has become a member of a household that does not belong only to himself.
Right from the your child to understand the need to obey. Obedience can be a real protection from all sorts of dangers.
There is also much training to be done in the home. Teaching a child to put away his toys, to put his dirty clothes in the right place and to dress and undress himself Can all be done before the child is three. It may take longer to train him to do these himself. But the time you spend teaching him will not be in vain will realize the benefit later.
It never too early in life to begin building in his mind and hearth belief in God. How happy you will be that he is learning to copy your example as he whispers” in The name of God Almighty, The Most benevolent…….” Before a meal and in thanks after it.
The first cry of the newcomer will bring you, it’s mother, proud joy. The baby’s first smile, Lifting its head to see what is going on, its funny, meaningless noises, trying to chew its own feet and following head movements are all occasions that will find that not a day goes by without some surprise at the little one’s development .One day you , its father, will peep into its little crib and get a bright smile, and you may feel sure that is a smile of recognition.
It brings great satisfaction to parents to see their child developing mentally and physically. One day you may notice him pretending to do what you are doing. You will often see your self in him. He will do lots of things that make you just want to kiss and hug him.
Yes, you will have a lot of joy and happiness in being a parent to a little newcomer…………..
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
How Much mankind is divided by the use of different tongues! About 3,000 spoken Languages have been counted by experts.If all the dialects (local forms of a language) were added to the above figure, it would probably be much higher. But then even experts disagree in some cases about what is simply a dialect. Why? Because, even when people speak dialects of the same language, they may be unable to understand one another.
Most languages can be grouped together into about ten Language families (here, again, different numbers). All the languages in the same family are branches of one ancient parent language, and, in many cases, the patent language has died out.
Many persons know that French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and several other languages are all modern varieties of latin. Not so many are aware that even Latin is classified as being only a member of a languages of Europe and India. It is said to have developed from a lost ancestor called Indo-European.
Besides these, there are some tongues, like Japanese, that cannot be classified into any known family, and many other languages that have disappeared.
About half the world’s population speak a language classified as belonging to the Indo European Family. It is no accident that the world for “three”, for example, is similar in Russian (tri), German (drei), French (trios), Danish (tre), Dutch (drie), Irish (tri), Albanian (tre), and so on. All these languages are said to originate from the lost Indo-European language.
Only recently, since about the end of the eighteenth century, have linguists begun to analyze the history and relationship of living languages. Before that, They tended to compare merely the written form of words in different languages. But there is much more to the family relationship than that. Even When two languages have very few similar words. They may put sentences together in a way that shows a relationship between the two.
Take the example of Lao (the languages of Laotians, who are the people Laos) and Chinese. It would be difficult to find many words similar in these two languages, yet they have three other important features in common.
First, one word in both languages may have several different meanings according to the tone of voice used when saying it. For Example, the Lao saying it. For Example The Lao word “mu”, spoken with a low tone of voice,means “friend”. While with a rising tone it mean”pig”.
Second most words have only one syllable or are made up of several one –syllable words linked together.
Third, when speaking of a number of object one must use a word called a “Classifier” every time to denote the class of object to which they belong. Thus a Laotian cannot just say “three girls” but must say. “ Girl three persons ( of people).” Showing that girls belong to the class of “people”. These three features suggest that Chinese and Lao are relatives within the same language family.
On The other hand, we can not classify different languages by the characters in which the languages are written. English and Vietnamese both use the Roman alpabhet, which the Vianamese formally adopted in the seventeenth century, but the languages are very different Japanese and Chinese use similar writing. Which causes some person to associate them together. Yet each of them comes from a different languages family. English and Russian, however, which are regarded as distant relatives within the same family use different alpabhet
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Amazing Inventions of LEONARDO DA VINCI
The Amazing Inventions of LEONARDO DA VINCI
Perhaps no one history achieved so much in so many different fields as did Leonardo da Vinci. He was an architect, astronomer, geologist and biologist, and also a musician and sculptor as well as painter. His Monalisa is one of the most famous painting in the world. There seems to be no field in which he was not a master.
Like Roger Bacon, he foresaw many of discoveries and inventions that would be made in centuries to come, but unlike Bacon who only dreamed about them, Leoanardo sat down and worked out the plans and designs.
From his notebooks we can tell that Leonardo approached science and art with the same method. After studying a problem, he made many sketches to help him find a solution. He saw no difference between planning a machine and a painting.
He had a keen interest in how things worked. In his notebooks there are working drawings of rockets, machine guns, parachutesand flying machines. There are also designs for measuring the force of the wind. The moisture in the air, and the speed of travel.
How Could horses run so swiftly? He compared the feet of horses and men, carefully examining the bones and muscles.
Why were birds able to fly ?Leonardo bought all the birds in the market. He let them out oh their cages and watched the movement of their wings and bodies. He Carefully studied the contruction of the feathers, the tail and the bones.
Then the thought came o him : “Why should not man be able to fly?” His study of bird structure and flight helped him design the first helicopter.
Leonardo has a mysterious power for guessing at discoveries that were going to be made in the future. He guessed that the blood circulates through the human body. He guessed that failing things increase their speed as they fall. He guessed that the earth is one of the sun.
One of his most remarkable guesses solved the mystery of the regular changing of the shape of the moon.
“ There can be only one answer”, said Leonardo. “ The earth reflects light just as the moon does. Some of the light from the sun that reaches us here on earth bounces of all to the moon. This reflected light allows us to see. The earth acts like a giant mirror and so we can see the shining part of the old moon by earthshine.
Another famous discovery of leoanrdo’s solved a very old puzzle : How does it happen that the patterns of fish and oysters are to be found in the rocks on top of mountains?”
Leonardo carefully exaimined the patterns. These prints were the fossils or remains of sea animals that had lived on our planet thousands of years ago!
But how did they get from the bottom of the sea to the tiop of the highest mountain?
Said Leaonardo, “ What is now a mountain top was once under the surface of the sea.”
Leornardo was right again. In acient times extradinary changes took place on the surface of the earth. In some places great continesnts disappeared forever beneath the waves. And In other places mountains raised their heads high above the water, carrying with them the remains of sea plants and animals.
Leonardo da Vinci was born in the town of Vinci, Italy. In 1452. His father was a successful government official, and his mother was a peasant girl. Leoanardo spent his early years on his family’s farm. Free to explore in the fields and streams, he grew to love the outdoors.
In 1469 Leonardo moved with his father to Florence where the young man learned painting from Andrea del Verrocchio. A few years later he painted scuh a beautifull angel that Verrochio. His matter, gave up painting altogether forever.
One of leonardo’s weaknesses as a human being was that he frequently left a painting he was drawing unfinished, regardless of its state of completion. He did so especially if there was another project that interested him.
Another of leonardo’s interest was the study of human body. At first, like other artists of the 15th century, he studied the outside appearance of the body. Then he became interested in its inner structure and later he even dissected several corpes to find out how the body was put together.
Leonardo looked at plants as closely as he looked at men and animal, and he made many dicoveries about plant growth.
Soon after he arrived in Milan in 1482, he began to write down things that interested him. His notebooks show the great variety and originality of his scientific observations. He Ilustrated his theories with very beautiful and exact drawings. By studying his drawings of machines. 20th century engineers. With modern materials, have been able to build models that work perfectly. The notebooks are hard to read because Leonardo used mirror writing. He did not want his ideas to be stolen.
In. 1516 Leonardo left italy to become chief painter and engineer to King of France. The King gave him freedom to carry on his experiments.
While in France, Leonardo became paralyzed. He had to stop painting, but his mind remainded active. During his last years he received lots of visitors, who listened with great respect to the masters’s brilliant ideas about art and science. He died in this country on May 2, 1519.
Source : Encyclopedia
Various Sources
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The term’ Public speaking” explains itself. It is the act of making a speech in public. The purpose of good public speaking is to add to the information ang knowledge of the listeners or do as the speaker advises. Speech making is very important for the work of such people as clergymen, lawyers, teachers and politicians. Public speaking, however, has importance for many others. Businessmen, labourers, and university students – these are but a few of those who use public speaking more and more each year.
Public speaking used to be called oratory. Oratory, which dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, is one of The oldest regular studies in Western civilization. Since those early
Times almost every generation of civilized men has spent much time in the study of the principles, rules, methods and practice of public speaking. For many centuries in Europe, shoolboys learned to make speeches in Latin. It was thought that if they could make good speeches in Latin. It was thought that if they could make good speeches in Latin, they certainly could do so in their native language.
Through the ages teachers and writers of books about public speaking have agreed that to be a good speaker a person does not only need natural ability or talent but study and practice as well. Some people area naturally better speakers than others. Nevertheles, through the study and practice of good speech-making the example of good speakers, most people can become fairly good speakers.
A person who make a public speech believes that lie has a message. He has something worth saying, and there is a group of people who ought to hear his message and take his advice. This means that a public speaker must know three basic things.
(1) He must know better than most people do the subject on which he will speak.
(2) He must Know, as nearly as possible, his audience’s needs, habits, wishes, and ways of thinking.
(3) He must know how to build his speeches so that they have the maximum effect upon the audience
In building his speech good speaker three very important matters in mind. First, he makes his ideas as easy as possible for his audience to understand. Second, he makes himself seem like a person whose advice on be trusted. Third. He makes his listeners want to understand, believe or do what he proposes.
If the idea are to be clear and understandable to listeners, the speech must be planned. To achieve this, a speaker usually makes sure that it has a real beginning, middle and end. More formally, a good speech has to have three parts, which are, an introduction, body and conclusion.
A lively, friendly introduction gets the attention and interest of listeners and lead s to the main idea. The body of a speech states the main idea. The body of a speech states the main ideas in good clear sentences. Each ideas should be filled with the various kinds of explanatory and supporting material.
The most useful kinds of material with which to explain or support ideas are (1) facts and information (2) examples or comparisons, and (3) opinions of influential persons. In The conclusion the speaker repeatrs the main ideas and persuades his listeners to follow a certain line of action or thought.
If the speech is to be clear. It must not only be well planned. In addition, the ideas should be expressed in language that is familiar to the listeners anf full meaning for them. The speaker should choose definite words instead of vague ones. Lively words instead of weak ones. He makes his sentences simple and straightforward. Not imaginary or doubtful. He should pay attention to his listeners needs. Not to his own performance.
The giving of a speech aloud before an audience is called the delivery. Agood speaker is easy to hear. His proununciation is sharp and correct. His voice is pleasant and lively.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Qoni and the Jewels
Qonita was seventeen years old. She was very beautiful, and many men wanted to marry her . But Qoni was a foolish girl. She did not want to marry the men in her village. They were very good young men, But qoni said, “I am very beautiful. Why should I marry a villager ? I Also have many jewels. I shall marry a rich man from a town. I Want to Live in a large house and I don’t want to do any work in the house.
Qoni’s father was angry.”You are a foolish girl” He said. “ We don’t kno’w any rich people . You wouldn’t like living in a town. You will be happier in the village. Why don’t you marry Rama ? I Want you to marry him. He is a good, hard working boy “
But qoni said. : I shall marry a rich man.”
One day a man came to the village. He painted pictures. He saw Qoni. And he went to her father and said, “ Your daughter is very beatifull, I wan to paint her picture.”
Qoni’s father said. “ Yes it will be nice to have picture of Qoni.
The man came to the house every day and painted Qoni’s picture. One day he said to her, “ Your eyes are very beautiful. They are beautiful as jewels. Will you give me two jewels to put in the picture for your eyes?”
Qoni said “Yes” and gave him two black jewels for the eys.
The next day the man said, Your lips are also very beatifull. Will you give me two jewels to put in the picture for your lips?”
So Qoni gave him two red two red jewels for the lips.
The next day the painter said, “you have beautiful jewels in your ears an on your fingers. I cannot paint them.Will you give me your jewels for the picture? Then it will be the most beautiful picture in the world.”
Qoni took the jewels out of herears and off her fingers, and gave them to him. The man said. “I”ll take these these home with me. I can’t put them into the picture here. I’ll do it at home. Tomorrow I’ll bring the picture and you will see that it is the most beatifull picture in the worl” and he went away.
The evening Qoni’s father said to her. Qoni Where are your jewels?”
Qoni told him. “ I gave them to the man to put in my picture.”She said.” He wanted to make it as beautiful as I am.”
“your foolish girl” her father said.”We don’t know where the man lives/ Why did you listen to him?”
“ He’ll bring the picture tomorrow.” Qoni said. “it will be the most beautiful picture in the world.”
But the man didn’t came comeback. He went away from the village and took that all qoni’s jewels with him.
Qoni wa sad. She knew she had been very foolish to listen to the many’s talk. He didn’t think that she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He wanted her jewels, that was all.
Qoni is married now, She married Yusup. They live in the village and Qoni is very happy. One day Yusup tooke her to a town. But she didn’t like it.
“It’s nicer I the village, “ she said.